

  • I have tried brown rice over the years and hate the texture. I have cooked it plain, with onions and peppers, even tofu. Just don't like it. so I will see if they have that Lundberg's brand here.I doubt it but it can't hurt to look. Thanks for the info.
  • Hi I'm over 50 and have teenage grandkids, but I'm in the same boat as far as dieting off and on for what seems like forever. I also need support on this never ending journey.
  • Welcome and good luck. :smile:
  • Welcome aboard. Add me as a friend if you like. What kind of foods do you not like? I don't know if I have any answers but I do know that you should let someone blame your weight for his issues. I have gained weight since getting married 6 yrs ago, but my husband still loves me. I don't mean that to sound bad, just letting…
  • Wow 22 lbs is such an inspiration to me who just started this morning. I have been trying to loose and to no avail. I've had those kind of days more often recently, but please don't give up. Switch your workout routine, drink more water, if doing strength training do higher reps less weight. I am so encouraged by your…