

  • I don't get a check. 0.00 LES every month. Too much to explain and don't mean offense but everyone seems to think they understand and make assumptions that are not the facts. I'm active duty on permanent leave without pay until my appeal is over. On paper station is ft sill OK and I have never been there. Never…
  • helllllllllo!!! im looking at losing a fair amount myself. also looking for a motivating crowd to pick me up.
  • lol. where to begin. basically, i MEB and came back with a BS rating so i appealed. and then i got my VA up and not my service connected up. so i appealed. 2.5 years later, they send me home to wait because they are tired of paying me. WTU at ft Bliss was small, they only offered up to soldiers that were going to be healed…
  • true that pimp. i am with you all the way. hoping to drop about 75 in the year to come. well year and change. like 2016 new year id like to be better off.
  • OP here, yeah, that guy who feels sorry for his penis. yeah, him lol its been getting better. i guess the nerve damage somehow cut off the ability to create my own testosterone, and am being treated for it. the Blue Diamonds get put away in a drawer and just stacking up not being used. drive has been increasing, and i eat…
  • sweet jesus. i went out to the store for a few hours and came back to a bunch of stuff!. first off thank you for all of the good, and bad things said. i kinda agree with like 90% of it. 1. pity party. YES. i feel sorry for myself and for my wife for having to deal with my mopey ****. 2. YES had drinking problem ad maybe…
  • yip. probably a good time to rest the fingers lol. ill be honest, tried to edit the title figuring this is prob more family or all age friendly rather than immature male environment. cant figure out how to edit title. feel kinda bad to be honest. i will prob try to clean it up in the forums, nasty in my blog. good…
  • you have about 5 million responses and i agree with most of them. i am the rudest person i know and i have 2 friends. my wife adores me and the rest of the world hates me...kind of like gilbert voice is not bad though. i dont know what your sister looks like, but you are (visually from profile pic) a very…
  • about to check that vid out ASAP. that seems legit. my old man lost his leg when i was a kid. they didnt have high hopes for him, but he does everything everyone else does...except but he has ridden my motorcycle even lol. was a funny site. thank you so much. i have become emotionally crippled and bitter and…