

  • I ate whatever I wanted on Saturday and Sunday. I definitely ate in excess! Yep, I have some guilt, but eating ALL that food also makes me crave eating better and exercising. I enjoy the food while I am eating it, but mostly I feel icky after eating it. I definitely think you should be able to enjoy the holidays and…
  • I think 5.0 is the perfect speed to start out running. I think you should do whatever works best for you and adjust accordingly. I am new to running, too, and really like the couch to 5K program. The first four weeks feel realistic where you alternate your walking and running until you are gradually doing more running. It…
  • I am doing the program and still struggling with running 20 minutes straight without taking at least 1-2 breaks. I am REALLY struggling when I try to run outdoors. I agree that it might be the cold! I feel like my body is heavier, the wind kills me, and I don't feel like I am breathing right. Hmmm...I am nervous about this…
  • I think it's all about what you order at Cheesecake Factory. If you find what something that fits your taste, always order it. When I experiment, I'm disappointed. I agree with the post: Order a slice of cheesecake and no meal! Yum! I am also grateful that I live 3 hours away from the closest Cheesecake Factory. I think I…
  • I have been doing a low-carb type diet very similiar to Atkins for a couple years and it works for me. I love carbs, but this seems to work best for me. I stay on the Atkins/low carb/low calorie type diet most of the time then do a cheat day of carbs every 10 days or so when I'm trying to maintain. When I want to lose, I…
  • Miley Cyrus Can't Be Tamed....so ashamed! :blushing:
  • I am doing this program, too! I'm interested to see your feedback. I wasn't sure on speeds either and am not athletic at all either. I am a pretty decent walker, though, when I put my mind to it. With the program, I tend to spend the first 5 minutes starting at 2.0 then build up to between 3.0 to 3.5. When I am on the…
  • For me, diet Coke helps me eat less sugar and other unhealthy stuff. I don't smoke or do drugs, rarely drink, and eat well 90% of the time. I figure my having a yummy delicious diet Coke isn't the worst habit to have. I have had a few people try to scare me away from it, but I'm not hearing it! P.S. Drinking a McDonald's…
  • Wow! Amazing results! I admire your commitment to the program! I am easily distracted! Great job!
  • I think we can all relate...especially to the stress AND the temptation of Halloween candy!!! It sounds like you have plan to get on track! I wish you the best of luck! You can do it!!! :)
  • I wish you the best of luck on HCG. I think you can lose and maintain. It's all about a lifestyle change with the diet. I've strictly done the diet, with and without HCG, and have had success maintaining a loss of around 35-40. Since May 2010, I have stayed within a few pounds of my goal weight. If the diet works for you…
  • When I feel I have too much to do or feel overwhelmed, I feel like I "deserve" to eat then binge. I rarely can think of a time when it's worth it or I feel better, but it still happens occasionally.
  • Although it's tough to maintain, I agree with the 3 ounces of protein and a vegetable (non-starchy) at each meal as well as 2 fruits a day similar to the diet people do for the HCG diet. It's about 10 pounds a month especially with a trainer helping on the fitness end of things. Good luck!!! :happy:
  • I'm interested in the challenge!
  • I'm excited!!! I need some motivation! This is just what I need! :)
  • I love a challenge, too! I'm in!
  • Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine Imma Be by The Black Eyed Peas Telephone by Lady Gaga/Beyonce Cowboy by Kid Rock Undo It by Carrie Underwood I really like Broadway musicals, too, but I realize that it doesn't quite motivate others like it does me! :)