

  • when i hear soda i think of soda water as in carbonated water. I just say what it is coke, lemonade, etc. though if i'm around friends its fizzy bubbly (thanks zohan) or grandparents, cousins i'll offer a soft drink then list what we have.
  • i don't get it because i cbf booking in to the surgery and waiting for hours to see the nurse then paying them money to hurt me. I will suffer if i get sick but if i eat right and stay away from sick people/ use good hygeine... i usually come out of flu season healthy. :) plus i don't think i can give blood if i do...…
  • A friend of mine had this a few weeks ago. fluttery heart and shortness of breath. they kept her in overnight and after many tests gave her an asthma puffer. Apparently some women who are very active can get it. But definately go to the doctors becuase it could be any number of things.
  • Eating healthy is even better for the baby so it's probably great to continue. As long as your not putting your baby under extra stress (don't push yourself too hard). But deifinatly speak to the doctor because there's somethings you should eat more of, some to eat less and some you shouldn't eat at all. And no jumping on…
  • Not so much Perth but 2 hours south. I'm pretty much in Perth every other wknd though so i guess that counts. (at least im closer than ppl from nz or america :))
  • I think having a good group of girlfriends does great things. If you have fun outgoing supportive friends you have a chance to meet mutual friends and might just find a nice guy in the mix. You don't have to go clubbing but going for lunch, joining a running group, or a weekly outing with the girls might be enough to get…