Flu Shot



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    A friend of mine and her mother faint when they get the flu shot. Any other boosters they are fine with, just a physiological response that they have. weird.
    I have gotten the shot before because I was travelling, and again because I wanted to lower the risk of getting it and passing it on to elderly people. We were attending a church with a lot of elderly people with conditions that we didn't want to make worse.
    The flu is an optional shot, but my kids are vaccinated for the regular ones. Mmr, pneumo, meningicoccal and chicken pox, etc. Although when I was a kid, when a friend had chicken pox, suddenly everyone was playing at that kids house so we caught it as kids, because its really really bad if you get it as an adult. That was the old school chicken pox vaccination. Haha
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member

    It has a cape and everything.
  • missebony88
    i don't get it because i cbf booking in to the surgery and waiting for hours to see the nurse then paying them money to hurt me. I will suffer if i get sick but if i eat right and stay away from sick people/ use good hygeine... i usually come out of flu season healthy. :) plus i don't think i can give blood if i do... don't quote me on that though
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I don't get them because 1) getting the shot just injects your body with the disease so that it fights it off now instead of later. 2) It's better for our immune systems to fight things off on their own. We take too many pills/shots/etc to keep our systems strong. Just not worth it for me.

    ^ this.
    It also injects your body with poisons. Plus, most of the people I know who have had the vaccine end up getting the flu anyways.. so what's the point of the vaccine??

    I agree here, too.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I dont get the flu shot because everybody else gets it. If everybody else is vaccinacted and not infected,then they wont infect me. Im a civilian and work with the military and they are required to get the flu shot so everyone around me is vaccinated. I havent had one my entire life and I dont get the flu either.

    Seriously.. wash your hands folks with soap 3-4 times a day and use hand sanitizer 3-4 times a day. Thats the best prevention from disease there is
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I'm a fairly new RN (started in the last 2 years) so getting the flu shot is basically required for me - it would be irresponsible for me to NOT get the shot. It doesn't inject you with poisons, or with toxins, or with the a live version of the flu. The flu virus in the vaccine is a dead/inactive version of the current flu strain.

    Yes, the is a risk of Guillain–Barré - from the actual flu :) an estimated 1 in 10,000 who get the flu die from GB. from the vaccine? since 1976, there have been 4 cases of GB (out of 46 million vaccinations) that have been conclusively linked to the vaccination.

    Allergic to eggs? no, you shouldn't get it. Had a reaction to it in the past? no, you shouldn't get it. "I'll just get the flu if I get it" - nope, sorry. "I'll become autistic/get GB/ get implanted with a tracker from the US government!" - nope, sorry.

    YES, some people do get mild 'flu like' symptoms from the vaccine - a fever for a day or two, and not feeling great. that's versus 2-3 weeks with a case of the flu. I'll take the vaccine any day of the week, thank you.

    If i remember correctly it's the flu mist that has the live, weakened flu virus-right? I have to get one yearly because the military requires it. I have always had the mist and I've never had a reaction from it. Although instead of the flu this year I got to enjoy a case of strep which isn't any better.
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I've never had the flu, the one year i decided to get the flu shot due to work pressure i had an allergic reaction to the vaccine....so no more flu vac for me.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I don't get them because 1) getting the shot just injects your body with the disease so that it fights it off now instead of later. 2) It's better for our immune systems to fight things off on their own. We take too many pills/shots/etc to keep our systems strong. Just not worth it for me.

    ^ this.
    It also injects your body with poisons. Plus, most of the people I know who have had the vaccine end up getting the flu anyways.. so what's the point of the vaccine??

    I agree here, too.

    At one point, I was very torn...because we do have three asthmatics in our family. But, I have three kids and I have been a mom for almost 12 years now. We have had one case of the flu in that time. We practice heavy duty hand washing and good hygiene. I may change my mind in the future...but for now, we opt out of the flu vaccine.

    I have read recent studies on how the flu shot is being linked to alzheimers. With my grandmother being an alzheimers patient, it is definitely something to take into consideration. Of course I know what the medical community will say...but I choose to research both sides of the fence on ALL vaccine issues. I saw my brother have a severe reaction to a vaccination as a child...he was in traction in the hospital for 3 days because the day after he got a vaccine, he kept falling down and couldn't walk. The drs, of course, denied it having anything to do with the vaccination.

    As much as I love our drs, they operate a medical PRACTICE. It isn't always as accurate as we would like it to be. I listen to their advice and I research.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I had it a few years back and came down with a fever of 103 two days later, so I stopped getting it. Last year and the year before I didn't have it and was sick as a dog for two weeks straight both years.
    This year I said f uck it and had it done. I was dizzy the day after but rather that than two weeks of hell.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Hi there - I was on another forum recently and something came up so I thought I would ask here.

    What reasons (well founded, based in common sense) are there NOT to get a flu shot? I ask because I honestly don't understand the aversion.

    I'm interested in hearing your thoughts!
    Because if your immune system isn't compromised, then there isn't a need for it. If you get it, then you'll fight it off. Not to mention that there are so many various strains of flu, that the one you get may not even defend you from it.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm a fairly new RN (started in the last 2 years) so getting the flu shot is basically required for me - it would be irresponsible for me to NOT get the shot. It doesn't inject you with poisons, or with toxins, or with the a live version of the flu. The flu virus in the vaccine is a dead/inactive version of the current flu strain.

    Yes, the is a risk of Guillain–Barré - from the actual flu :) an estimated 1 in 10,000 who get the flu die from GB. from the vaccine? since 1976, there have been 4 cases of GB (out of 46 million vaccinations) that have been conclusively linked to the vaccination.

    Allergic to eggs? no, you shouldn't get it. Had a reaction to it in the past? no, you shouldn't get it. "I'll just get the flu if I get it" - nope, sorry. "I'll become autistic/get GB/ get implanted with a tracker from the US government!" - nope, sorry.

    YES, some people do get mild 'flu like' symptoms from the vaccine - a fever for a day or two, and not feeling great. that's versus 2-3 weeks with a case of the flu. I'll take the vaccine any day of the week, thank you.


    I've had my flu shot every single year for the last 10 years and never had the flu in my entire life. I do this because I am around my grandparents and formerly my great-grandparents (they died a few years ago) often, who are high risk. I have no desire to pass on an infection that could end up killing them.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    there is no need if you are healthy..and vaccinations have long been associated with birth defects/disorders etc. plus the fact that viruses, like bacteria mutate into stronger strains. which takes stronger and stronger medications to treat with. and the cycle goes on, till things like super bugs "MRSA" come around that are very hard to fight off and can leave long term problems for people if not death.

    so over use of vaccinations like the flu shot in those especially who are healthy is not socially responsible. And the government, health care insititutions have the common folk scared to not get them. They already force us at my job to get them, its unethical to me, as my employer is forcing me to put things into my body i dont want. its akin to rape to me, but what choice do we have? flu shot or no job...

    so personal liberties...civil rights..and creating superbugs are all reasons to NOT get a flu shot.

    ps..i have never got the flu shot in my life..when my job forced me to get the shot..i got the flu within 2 weeks.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    The vaccine has Guillain-Barré as a possible side effect. A temporary, Multiple Sclerosis like illness. Also reported are breathing problems, hoarseness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, a fast heartbeat, or dizziness.

    also the vacine you get andf the strain of actual Flu will likely not match and you will get the Flu.

    this ^ exactly
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I'm a fairly new RN (started in the last 2 years) so getting the flu shot is basically required for me - it would be irresponsible for me to NOT get the shot. It doesn't inject you with poisons, or with toxins, or with the a live version of the flu. The flu virus in the vaccine is a dead/inactive version of the current flu strain.

    Yes, the is a risk of Guillain–Barré - from the actual flu :) an estimated 1 in 10,000 who get the flu die from GB. from the vaccine? since 1976, there have been 4 cases of GB (out of 46 million vaccinations) that have been conclusively linked to the vaccination.

    Allergic to eggs? no, you shouldn't get it. Had a reaction to it in the past? no, you shouldn't get it. "I'll just get the flu if I get it" - nope, sorry. "I'll become autistic/get GB/ get implanted with a tracker from the US government!" - nope, sorry.

    YES, some people do get mild 'flu like' symptoms from the vaccine - a fever for a day or two, and not feeling great. that's versus 2-3 weeks with a case of the flu. I'll take the vaccine any day of the week, thank you.

    I agree!
  • efwolfcub
    efwolfcub Posts: 99 Member
    there is no need if you are healthy..and vaccinations have long been associated with birth defects/disorders etc. plus the fact that viruses, like bacteria mutate into stronger strains. which takes stronger and stronger medications to treat with. and the cycle goes on, till things like super bugs "MRSA" come around that are very hard to fight off and can leave long term problems for people if not death.

    so over use of vaccinations like the flu shot in those especially who are healthy is not socially responsible. And the government, health care insititutions have the common folk scared to not get them. They already force us at my job to get them, its unethical to me, as my employer is forcing me to put things into my body i dont want. its akin to rape to me, but what choice do we have? flu shot or no job...

    so personal liberties...civil rights..and creating superbugs are all reasons to NOT get a flu shot.

    ps..i have never got the flu shot in my life..when my job forced me to get the shot..i got the flu within 2 weeks.

    I'm sorry, I've got to correct you on this - there's no such thing as 'over use' of vaccinations. If that were an issue, we all would have been dead from super polio or smallpox or measles. instead those bugs are nearly or completely erradicated, with the exception of measles, which is making a comeback EXACTLY due to the idea that vaccinations are dangerous.

    if the vast majority is vaccinated you end up with herd immunity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunity) where people who are NOT vaccinated are less likely to get the disease in question because everyone around them is, and therefore unable to carry it.

    MRSA, XDR TB, VRE, etc - are all due to over-use of antibiotics. There is no vaccine for Staph Aureus. There is no vaccing for E. Coli, and the vaccine against TB is great for pediatric TB, but not for adult TB.

    There is no correlation between flu vaccines and birth defects, autism, hair falling out, weight gain, or the growth of extra fingers or toes.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Because I don't need it. I've never gotten the flu in my life! If there was a vaccine for the common cold, on the other hand... ;-)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    there is no need if you are healthy..and vaccinations have long been associated with birth defects/disorders etc. plus the fact that viruses, like bacteria mutate into stronger strains. which takes stronger and stronger medications to treat with. and the cycle goes on, till things like super bugs "MRSA" come around that are very hard to fight off and can leave long term problems for people if not death.

    so over use of vaccinations like the flu shot in those especially who are healthy is not socially responsible. And the government, health care insititutions have the common folk scared to not get them. They already force us at my job to get them, its unethical to me, as my employer is forcing me to put things into my body i dont want. its akin to rape to me, but what choice do we have? flu shot or no job...

    so personal liberties...civil rights..and creating superbugs are all reasons to NOT get a flu shot.

    ps..i have never got the flu shot in my life..when my job forced me to get the shot..i got the flu within 2 weeks.

    I'm sorry, I've got to correct you on this - there's no such thing as 'over use' of vaccinations. If that were an issue, we all would have been dead from super polio or smallpox or measles. instead those bugs are nearly or completely erradicated, with the exception of measles, which is making a comeback EXACTLY due to the idea that vaccinations are dangerous.

    if the vast majority is vaccinated you end up with herd immunity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunity) where people who are NOT vaccinated are less likely to get the disease in question because everyone around them is, and therefore unable to carry it.

    MRSA, XDR TB, VRE, etc - are all due to over-use of antibiotics. There is no vaccine for Staph Aureus. There is no vaccing for E. Coli, and the vaccine against TB is great for pediatric TB, but not for adult TB.

    There is no correlation between flu vaccines and birth defects, autism, hair falling out, weight gain, or the growth of extra fingers or toes.
    Well said. I too am in a soon-to-be done nursing student and it's mandatory.
    Someone mentioned that it's connected to Alzheimer's - that's not true and I encourage you to look at the studies yourself instead of believing what you hear.

    Thanks for your input everyone! I appreciate the broad range of answers!