joanne2406 Member


  • Hiya, I'm back on it again too. I lost about 2 stone a few years ago, but put it all back on and some. I turn 30 in June and determined not be to 30 and as fat as I am now. Been on here since the start of January and 3/4lb away from loosing a stone. Be good to make some new friends for support :)
  • I'm starting to think my feet are the only part of me that is loosing weight! I used to be a 6 or a 7 but recently bought a size 5!
  • Hi there, I have problems with crunchy knees and a lot of the exercises would aggrevate them. I found this website which shows some adaptions to the exercises for people with knee issues: Hope this helps a little!
  • I heard there was one for 1000 minutes of exercise in September also. Would be interested in things like that also
  • Hi there, I've just started out myself, meant to be doing this with 2 friends but I seem to be the only commited one! Would be happy to be friends and encourage each other if your looking for someone :) Joanne