ksmits Member


  • 1300 calories is definitely enough as long as it's nutrient dense. I do lots of high intensity, cardio and strength workouts - usually 9-12 hours a week - and I rarely go over 1300. Just make sure you get enough protein and leave out the empty calories.
  • I can almost guarantee you don't have a thyroid or any other issues. The reason for no weight loss is you are not in a calorie deficit. Your weight loss slows down as you progress. You just have to get more aggressive with your efforts now. You don't burn as many calories as you did when you first started, so up the…
  • Egg whites. High in protein, low in fat and calories (1 egg white = 20 calories 4 G protein). Make an egg white veggie omelette. 1 whole egg 2 egg whites 1 oz light cheddar 1 cup steamed veggies (chop and throw in after steaming) 254 calories 30 G protein 11 g fat 13 g carbs 6 g fiber You'll be full for hours :)
  • Up your exercise intensity. Try doing HIIT - high intensity interval training. Go online for videos, join a bootcamp, or take a class. Do it two or three times a week. This will rev up your metabolism. Then cut back to 1200-1300 and no cheating. Take off about 20% of whatever calorie burn your HRM tells you. Increase…