

  • If you have not been working your upper body, I would suggest not using the extra weights the first time you do the video. I know I wasn't working my upper body and the first day with the weights put a lot of strain on my shoulders. I had to work up to using the extra weights again.
  • http://42.195km.net/e/treadsim/ I just put the information into the website about and create treadmill exercise and add the calories burned.
  • I know that for me, I have lost about 20 lbs and I cannot see it in the mirror. However, feeling clothes that were snug fit looser is what does it for me! :) Good luck and CONGRATS - 32lbs is AWESOME!!
  • My doctor put me on restricted carbs. She said that carbs burn faster and cause your insulin levels to yo-yo. When your insulin levels yo-yo your body stores more fat. She said to make sure and eat plenty of protein because it burns slower and keeps you full longer. I know this may not work for everyone, but that is what…