

  • ...and a food scale at Target is only $4.99 It's nice to just use it as a guideline, especially at the beginning when you're getting a hang of portion size. I bought it since lunch meat was always listed by the ounce, and I had no idea what 2 oz's of meat was!
  • Try the "Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Packs." Those are nice because they're already measured and there's no thinking....And they taste better than just straight avocado. You can spread it on sandwich or eat it with crackers.
  • Kashi Granola Bars (there are some very yummy varieties, 100 Calorie pack popcorn (tons of food, goes a long way!) Rice cake snacks, Carrots, cucumbers, sandwich on low carb bread. Do you have Healthy Life bread there? 35 calories a's great...with some Laughing Cow cheese, 35 calories a wedge!
  • Maybe you're just getting sick? Also, you can get headaches if you're dehydrated...Make sure to drink more water...when you wake up, you haven't had water in so many hours....your body is telling you it's thirsty!
  • Go to "tools" then "tickers" then "update your weight data"