binks521 Member


  • Good Job!!! dont lose your momentum im new to MFP too but like you it didnt take me long to fall in love with it!!! hope everything continues to progress for you!
  • if you crave stuff try low cal snacks or homemade snacks< a rice crispie treat you make yourself has at minimum 150 calories less and theres always ways to alterate the snacks you love but dont love for the cals :ohwell: omg if you like ice cream my favorite is "Skinny Cow" fudge pops!!! 100 calories and all yummy!!!!:love:
  • Hi im new on here too in fact this is maybe my first week. my name is Bianca Guerrero. I found out about MFP through a friend i feel that its aiding me with motivation i want to lose 30 lbs as well but even 20 would make me happy! lol hope you like it you can add me and i know its not easy doing it alone! have a good one :)