Cass Member


  • Hi Ashley, I too had 3 under 3! My oldest child just turned 5, and the other 2 will be 4 & 2 1/2 in July. It does get a little easier as they leave that "baby" stage, but I have struggled with losing my last 20 lbs of "baby weight" for about 2 years now. I've been on this site since November (I think) and have just…
  • Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone does any of the Get Ripped (w/Jari Love) DVD series and how do you calculate calories burned and log it in your exercise journal? Thanks
  • My question is what does your husband do all day? If you are going to bed at the same time as him, he could get up to help you and take a "nap" before he has to go to work at 4:00. If he got the 5 yr old & 22 mos old dressed and started with breakfast (or maybe even get them all of to school), you could squeeze in a 45…