Ready to FINALLY let go of this weight!

Hi everyone, my name is Ashley and I'm 25, married and a mom of 3 amazing kids all under the age of 4 (aaahhh!!!).
I'm desperate to lose the weight I have gained over the past 4 years having children basically back to back. I've made some pretty large lifestyle changes to promote a healthy life... not just a fad diet. I've become a lacto-ovo vegetarian, it's been a pretty interesting 2 weeks...but 28 days makes a habit right?!
I love to run, just love to...but can always find an excuse come the end of the day when it's time to do so. I would love, if possible; to find a fitness partner- someone to motivate me and more or less harass me and keep me going. I need to stop making excuses and start moving my booty.

2 weeks ago I topped the scale at 200 pounds. Today I weigh 197 and my goal weight is 128 by February 2010. It's 70 pounds, over 7 months it's not quite attainable because I'd like to do it healthy, but I've resolved that as long as I'm at at least 130 pounds by then I'll be happy. I want to get it off and keep it off. My husband and I are going on a cruise for our 5 year anniversary and I want to look as close to the way I did when we got married as possible!!!

If anyone has any insight on how to get (and stay) motivated, or how to sneak working out into a day full of a 3 year old, 18 month old and 6 month old, I'd love to know!!!

Lots of luck and love to everyone



  • ashleyblair
    Hi everyone, my name is Ashley and I'm 25, married and a mom of 3 amazing kids all under the age of 4 (aaahhh!!!).
    I'm desperate to lose the weight I have gained over the past 4 years having children basically back to back. I've made some pretty large lifestyle changes to promote a healthy life... not just a fad diet. I've become a lacto-ovo vegetarian, it's been a pretty interesting 2 weeks...but 28 days makes a habit right?!
    I love to run, just love to...but can always find an excuse come the end of the day when it's time to do so. I would love, if possible; to find a fitness partner- someone to motivate me and more or less harass me and keep me going. I need to stop making excuses and start moving my booty.

    2 weeks ago I topped the scale at 200 pounds. Today I weigh 197 and my goal weight is 128 by February 2010. It's 70 pounds, over 7 months it's not quite attainable because I'd like to do it healthy, but I've resolved that as long as I'm at at least 130 pounds by then I'll be happy. I want to get it off and keep it off. My husband and I are going on a cruise for our 5 year anniversary and I want to look as close to the way I did when we got married as possible!!!

    If anyone has any insight on how to get (and stay) motivated, or how to sneak working out into a day full of a 3 year old, 18 month old and 6 month old, I'd love to know!!!

    Lots of luck and love to everyone

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP the best website ever. I :heart: it here and I think you will too. This site is so supportive, motivational, helpful and is so easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    welcome to the boards and good luck with your weight loss journey!!!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello and welcome to this great site
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Hi and welcome to MFP!

    I sneak in small exercises with my kids....I pick them up and down, lay on my back and "bench press" them or use my legs for a quick "ride" (I lay on my back and have them hang while I move my legs up and down), I play with them in the yard and chase them around, play with them on the exercise ball....

    I use every opportunity I can to add a little exercise into my day with my kids. It's good for all of us and I'm spending good, quality time with them.

    I have to laugh because my 3 year old (next month she'll be 3) show's me what "mommy does" and tries to do the "tree" pose in yoga :laugh:

    Point is...make it fun for you and the kids. It's a life style change, so I try to incorporate a little bit into my whole day, not just my exercise times.
  • Cass
    Cass Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ashley,

    I too had 3 under 3! My oldest child just turned 5, and the other 2 will be 4 & 2 1/2 in July. It does get a little easier as they leave that "baby" stage, but I have struggled with losing my last 20 lbs of "baby weight" for about 2 years now. I've been on this site since November (I think) and have just basically maintained. Even though I was working out fairly consistently, I was not putting much effort into my diet (ex: I would eat perfect 2x/week, okay 3x/week and pretty BAD the other 2x).

    May 1st was my turning point. I realized that getting serious "soon" was not soon enough. There is always something to wait for (after Mother's day this weekend, then after the graduation party etc. etc.). Once I made that realization and came to terms with it in my mind, I have been doing great! If I'm going out with friends or to a party, I MAKE SURE to work out hard, so that those extra calories etc. are "cancelled" out. I won't get too crazy on Sunday for example, I'll try to control my portions, but still enjoy the day (full of food, no doubt). If I am too crazy about it, I've found I become unsuccessful.

    What I have found in the past week is that planning out my meals at the start of the day really works. I get up before my kids so that I have some time to myself, and I plan out all of my meals for the day then. I usually start with whatever is for dinner (usually my highest cal. meal) and then go from there.

    I started running last year and try to run 3.2 miles 2-3x per week. My husband is really supportive in that. Sometimes I go after dinner while they're all playing outside so that I'm home for bedtime and sometimes I go right after they go to bed. If my husband knows that I plan to run tonite, he really encourages me just by saying "are you going for your run." I feel like it kind of holds me accountable.

    Good luck to you and HAVE A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    First off, congrats on wanting to start and goodluck. this site will help tremendously. Start NOW and research dinners and always plan ahead. If not weekly atleast at the start of each day. I find if I input the foods I am going to eat before I eat them it allows me too see where I need to adjust or remove things.
    As far as exercise....i too struggle to get to the gym. I LOVE going but dont always get to go unless I go first thing in the morning which 5 am is wayyyy too early. So when I cant get to the gym I just find ways to get in as much walking as possible. When I hang up clothes from all the loads of laundry I have to do I put the shirts and all a bit away from the closet and hang one thing up at a time having to walk back and forth from the closet to the clothes. That helps. And then every time i go into my room for something I take a few seconds or minutes and do a few crunches or push ups or from the start of my door to the bathroom for instance I would do lunges. And when I am cooking I may do squats while things are cooking. just anything to gain some muscle to help burn the fat. It has seemed to help a bit. and I account for calories burned for everything on here. YOu can list yoru cooking (food preparation) on exercises. And little things you do daily; you can really see how those calories add up. TRUST ME! Keep moving and keep healthy snacks on hand. String cheese, yogurt, sugar free jello's, fruits and veggies too. Dont forget those! And make sure to eat these between meals. It will help to curve your appetite.
    Good luck and trust you will get ALOT of support and ideas from everyone here. It has been a lifesaver.
  • sarahlouise87
    welcome to the site good luck with your weight loss, you CAN do this :flowerforyou:

    I had two babies within 1 year now 23 months and 11 months and all my weight came from them also i know what you mean fitting exercise in with having young kids x