

  • Pretty much any bacon is good bacon. But I usually try the local supermarket house brand or go to an old school butcher. And the only way to cook it I have found is in the oven, on a cookie sheet with one of the wire cooling racks. It keeps the bacon up out of the excess grease and turns out just right. A little crunchy…
  • Congrats, I at about the same level as you I started on Aug 1 and am down 63 now. Keep up the good work.
  • I think others have said it but don't try to compare yourself to what others are doing. Everyone is going to be different. A couple of months ago I began my journey and it started out as just being so bloody bored sitting in the house that I decided to go for a walk. Next thing I knew I was out walking every night going…
  • I am 34 and trying to drop 150. I realized one day that I have 2 neices and a nephew and if I kept going the way I was I wouldn't get to see them grow up, or be able to keep up with them as an uncle should. Good luck on your weight loss goal.
  • Good for you! I quit smoking on 1/3/11 and have been feeling better ever since. Started on the road to weight loss here not too long ago. About 3 weeks of good workouts in and down 18lbs. I already feel so much better.
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