no cell phone only landline, not tracking due to just joined so not used to site, have been watching calories for several weeks, never over 2000 in a day, sat was 1600, fri was 1700 so i am keeping track just not on this site, add up as I go along
after rereading the posts, I wanted to additionally comment that although inititailly, due to asthma, i took it somewhat slow but after the first week, each time i excercised was a workout to the extent that i am able, sweating and working, some slight soreness so nothitnh was overdone but i could tell that i was working.…
changed privacy setting to where myfitnesspal members can view my information, at least i think i did.
just joined so not sure how to make my information available, havent been the greatest of keeping the diary either, trying to do better but no guarantee. Yesterday, documented the entire day of my food. always use the same scales, not ussually on the internet , never comunicate with people i dont know before. just got the…
when I joined curves they did take measurements but I haven't checked into that yet, that is a good idea, not sure about clothes fitting better, but I definitely see improvement in stamina as far as the excercise, I suffer from asthma and excercise has always induced an attack and such is less severe with the excercise. I…