tshields65 Member


  • Hey Kelly!! Glad to have you aboard. I am several, ok so 14 years older then you but our stories are simular. I have actively been using My Fitness Pal for about 3 1/2 months and I really like it. I track everything I put in my mouth, even the overages. It helps me see when I am eating more then I think. Have you set up…
  • Just discovered a new Leslie Sansone that I hadn't seen before. Found it at the library yesterday and did it last night. It is called Walk the walk i believe, all the music are christian songs. There is both a 1 mile and a 2 mile work out. I really enjoyed it. I do miss the bar at the bottom that lets you know how far…
  • Just joined today, so only have about 11 days left to January, so my goal is 20 miles for the rest of the month
  • Have been a member of MFP for several months but never did anything with it until this week. I am really trying to use it now, logging everyday. This is my first group to join. I am a big fan of Leslie Sansome. I discovered her last year when i was snowed in for 9 days and literally couldn't leave my house for 5 days. I…