ashlimy Member


  • Are you on reddit? Check out r/keto gains. This group keeps a caloric deficit to lose fat and lifts. I tried to search for you and found this but couldn't link it from my phone.
  • I think as long as your deficit is not too great you can. Make sure you are getting enough protein everyday so you are not losing muscle. You may need to eat a bit more calories on days you work out if you actually lift.
  • I've had it for 7 years now. Stretches, shots, orthotic inserts, 10 different types of shoes and nothing has worked. It comes and goes but I have never been able to get rid of it. Some friends (runners and nurses) have had success with only one of those mentioned above. Flares do seem to happen when I am barefoot or in…
  • I just posted about I didnt even see your post. I have a friend that lost 60 lbs eating right and doing Zumba. She looks great...She told me the workouts were fun so she didnt feel bogged down and bored by going to the gym and it really kept her motivated. I feel the same way about Body Pump and Body…