amoswell Member


  • I use a couch to 5k app on my ipod....LOVE IT!!! I am not a runner AT ALL and never have been. I am on week 3 and feeling very good. It was a 99 cent has a picture of a blue couch on it. I noticed there were several, but this was the one that went with the program that was created I believe. I also love that it's…
  • It's Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. She is big on circuit/interval training. 30 day shred has 3 levels and follows 3 min strength/2 min cardio/ 1 min abs for 3 circuits per level. It's only 24 minutes which is what appeals to me. I am a mom of 3 and do not have time to work out for over an hour. I LOVE it and…