how many calories burned with 30 day shred levels?



  • Does this apply to ALL three levels? I see people are saying 180 calories for 20 minutes is pretty accurate. I just did my first exercise on level one (and let me tell you, I didn't sweat but man I was so dizzy afterwards!) and I would imagine that each level would be more difficult. Wouldn't your burn more calories on the second level than you would the first and more on the third than you would the second?
  • Does this apply to ALL three levels? I see people are saying 180 calories for 20 minutes is pretty accurate. I just did my first exercise on level one (and let me tell you, I didn't sweat but man I was so dizzy afterwards!) and I would imagine that each level would be more difficult. Wouldn't your burn more calories on the second level than you would the first and more on the third than you would the second?

    I'm actually wondering the same thing....I just started level 2 tonight and it seems a lot higher intensity than level 1. Jillian also mentions during the workout that you're burning twice as many calories as level 1. Any thoughts?
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    If you want to find out how many calories you burn, compare it to the standard.. set up as a preportion
    154 lbs your weight
    ______ = _________
    503 calor ies x (how many calories)

    cross multiply to get 154x= 503 *your weight
    divide your weight answer by 154
    that will be how many calories your burn in one hour
    divide by 3 to find out how many calories you will burn in one 20 minute session

    You have me CoNfUsEd by your math figuring. Explain in better detail?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I burn about 120 on level 1, and about 200 on level 2. I haven't bothered with level 3 as I began to find JM so annoying I gave up on it and factored in more running instead.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    you need an HRM...since it can vary for us all I'm 5'6" and at 178. Level 1 first day was 175 cals burned the next day was about 150 cals.
  • I'm having the hardest time finding 30DS. Maybe it's because of the new year resolutions crowd. I did pick up her Ripped in 30 and Extreme Shed and Shred. Does anyone have any experience with either of these??? Just curious if you found one more effective than the other. Thanks.
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    I'm 226 lbs and figured out it would be roughly 230 cals burned for me.
  • It depends on how much you currently weigh and the intensity you work out. Are you doing the advanced moves with Natalie or the beginner moves? Do you stop and rest for a few seconds or give it all you have got from beginning to end?

    I weigh 120.5 pounds, use #5 weights, and do a double workout each day. I am on level 2, day 4. I follow Natalie. My HRM says I burned 180 calories for level one (one workout) and just slightly higher for level 2.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    If you want to find out how many calories you burn, compare it to the standard.. set up as a preportion
    154 lbs your weight
    ______ = _________
    503 calor ies x (how many calories)

    cross multiply to get 154x= 503 *your weight
    divide your weight answer by 154
    that will be how many calories your burn in one hour
    divide by 3 to find out how many calories you will burn in one 20 minute session

    Im confused because when you go to the exercise link and type in circuit training, general- it tells me 480 approx for calories burned. ok..lets do this..I weigh 255, and I am 5'11. What would it be for just level one for 30 day shred?

    So am I right in my interpretation of this:

    Current Weight 248

    503 * 248 = 124744
    124744/154 = 810.03
    810.03/3 - 270

    So I would burn 270 calories doing one 20 minute set program? Also, is this the 1st level or one of the advanced levels?
  • Austynl
    Austynl Posts: 19
    It is a DVD workout video by Jillian Micheals. You can get it at walmart for about 10 bucks I believe.
  • I love this 30 day shred! I toned up last year just doing it for the 30 days. Like someone said earlier, weight loss was not noticable but I looked great and dropped almost 4 dress sizes just by eating a 1440 calorie diet and doing this workout everyday. However, I have since let life take over and stopped doing everything. I gained my weight back (I wasn't eating healthy either.) Thanks for the posts because I'm ready to start doing what I know works again! As for the diet pills. I understand your pain. At one point in my life I became dependant on them thinking that if I stopped that I would gain the weight back. Believe it or not they have addicting side effects. When I did not know where else to turn I joined a local 12 step group and it has significantly changed my life around. When you've had enough and you cant get off of the pills on your own, there is hope. Your not alone. Good luck to you and everyone on your "active participation in a life style change!"
    ahh this is so encouraging to hear! I just started and I eat about 1300 calories and was worried that this workout wasn't enough by itself
  • bump
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    I posted this question a few hrs response...but these are great answers....especially the math equatin...thanks
  • amoswell
    amoswell Posts: 2 Member
    It's Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. She is big on circuit/interval training. 30 day shred has 3 levels and follows 3 min strength/2 min cardio/ 1 min abs for 3 circuits per level. It's only 24 minutes which is what appeals to me. I am a mom of 3 and do not have time to work out for over an hour. I LOVE it and it's the one thing I have done that I notice big results in my arms. If you are in shape already she had Get ripped in's 4 circuits and a little more intense work out, but I liked it too. I plan on buying her body revolution....I highly recommend her workouts.
  • Alyonkin
    Alyonkin Posts: 2 Member
    So. How many calories I burn when I do level 3? I am 5 f 4. 127 pounds.
  • kjw424
    kjw424 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for breaking it down for us! I just started yesterday and it was rough but I can see how it could help you get to your desired weight... People also remember for every pound of muscle you build you burn 40 more calories per hour doing nothing at all...
  • kjw424
    kjw424 Posts: 2 Member
  • I just started this today, my HRM said I burned 284 calories. I weigh 197 at 5'2" and used 3 lb weights. Does this sound about right? I am not in the best shape, so my heart rate was up there, if that makes a difference.
  • Thing just learning to balance your foods. Lots of grains, fruits, and veggies... but don't forget some dairy as well. Just learning to balance your eating and exercise will help you be at a healthy weight :)
  • Under the "Exercise" tab, there is a link that says "My Exercies." When that page loads, there is a green button that says "Create New Exercise." You can enter a name, time and calories burned. Hope this helps!
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