

  • Good for you. Being honest about it when you do slip off the rails is all part of accepting that it is alright as long as you are true to yourself. As you say, it makes you feel better about yourself. In the end it's about facing up to your problems and accepting who you are. So what if you do put on a few pounds back…
  • Well, if you eat less calories than you use in exercise, you will lose weight. It's simple maths. But if you don't eat a balanced diet, which are all the other columns in the food diary, you will probably get sick in the long run, because your body isn't getting the right nutrients to fight off bad things. It all depends…
  • Hi, Nicole. I'm 56, too. I joined the site this month, and find it so helpful to be able to check calorie intake so easily. I have a target of 85lbs to lose, and aiming to do at least half of that before my son's wedding in July next year. So I need all the encouragement I can get! I'll send you a friend invitation.
  • Thanks for all the responses and the friend requests. I think it's good to know someone else is able to check up on me, so I can't fool myself! My plan is to lose about 1lb a week, which I think is a sensible amount, by just eating the right amount and also doing more exercise - walking upstairs instead of using the lift,…