gilliland_a Member


  • Did my Core Synergistics this morning YAY!!! Yesterday was really tough. So much for recovery week being a 'recovery' week!
  • Same here :-) I have really laxed on my diet (which isnt necessarily a bad thing). I'm up on my weight a bit though so its time to buckle down. I had my 'vacation'. I'm hopping back on my diet. Not so much a diet but just better nutrition.
  • One more Yoga for me. I hit my goal of 199 lbs yesterday. Feeling pretty darn good about that. Dropped 37 lbs this round. I'm really happy about being under 200 again. I havne't weighed this since my wife and I were dating 6 years ago. I am hoping to make 10% body fat around the end of June. I think that's a good…
  • @The77dtrain I still have yoga tomorrow. I knocked out core synergistics this morning. It just feels unbelievable to be this far (almost done). I feel the same way about this recovery week- which after CS this morning felt nothing like 'recovery'. I can't wait to start up again.
  • @sandyhomerun Good work! My wife struggles with pullups too. It just takes time to build the hitch muscles to get that first thrust upward. Keep it up. Now that you have one down more will start coming more easily. If you don't shy away from your necessary protein and heavier weights on back rows, after round two you'll be…
  • @Timerling I have a family get together around Memorial Day. So I may not be on a perfect regimen in round 2, but I will be trying to knock out at least 7 more weeks.
  • Yeah it definitely works :) I've lost 35 lbs and dropped 15% body fat in this round. I am getting my trademarked tony horton six pack. It's tough but it gets easier. Just build a regimen or daily routine around it and its so much easier to knock out as a habit. Keep it up, its worth it.
  • I cant get my arm under my thigh (big thighs). I can say that instead of just throwing out Kempo you could try weighted Kempo :) I use just 3 lbs on all arm movements (small little blue Girly Girl weights) - arm blocks, punches- and I'm probably gonna get some ankle weights to strengthen my kicks. Speed and endurance both…
  • I dont know about insanity. I have seen the ads. I like p90x more because the muscle build. I do doubles- runs on lifting days. I think offsetting the lifting with some good cardio creates a strong balance. I have had great results thus far, so I think I will just start wk 1 again after week 13.
  • I knocked out yoga this morning. I am trying to shift my workouts to the morning... Worked great today, considering how tight I was and still knocking out yoga I'm pretty encouraged.
  • I finished up the week with legs and back. I used to do a run on Fridays (legs and back day) too, but I have since cut that out. I get much farther in the legs and back routine and its less stress on the knees. Feeling good. I only have 3 moves in ab ripper that I am at 15 on. Woo Hoo!!!
  • Shoulders and Arms last night. Yoga tonight. Legs and Back tomorrow. my poor quads. :)
  • Great for you Wolfhound22!!! I was at 260 last year. I know I waited to introduce cardio until I was a bit lighter to save my joints. I am very thankful I did. I have had knee issues in the past. Doing doubles is tough to stick with but the balance of cardio with the weights and calisthenics really pays dividends. KEEP IT…
    in Week 9 Comment by gilliland_a March 2012
  • Did shoulders and arms last night. Didn't improve as much as Chest and Back but my curl weight went from 15s to 20s. Ab Ripper does suck but that is the area I've seen the most improvement. I am up to 25 on half of them, 15 on heals to the heavens (killer exercise), 40 on mason twists, and 20 on the rest. While the number…
    in Week 9 Comment by gilliland_a March 2012
  • Knocked out core synergistics last night. What a workout. I did some elliptical trainer over the lunch hour at work yesterday. After CS my shirt was completely soaked. That plank to chaturanga run just gets me every time. I am so swamped by that point I can bairly just run in plank. The rest of it did well and I can tell I…
  • Hello! I am a grad student working full time in Nebraska. I started p90x Jan 2, 2012. I had an excellent first round last year in the early spring but did not keep it up. I have been doing doubles and focusing on diet as well. Best of luck to everyone.
  • That sounds SOOOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!