

  • hey girl...u looking good...just started yesterday..i am 47yrs problem area is my tummy...i have a a huge tractor tyre which i cant get rid off and its hanging ..apron tummy after my children..any ideas how to get toned up...
  • thanx laura...i am kind scared to do this...but am gonna have a go...i am not very good at keeping up with people eg facebook etc as one i dont hv the time and afraid that if i dont reply people may get offended...but am really liking this web cos i hv to come back and report my weight here goes ...hoping to lose…
    in angel Comment by satigill May 2010
  • hey kimberley..thanks for the advice...but i would rather not have anything sweet..once it passes the lips i cannot stop..have been very good today though ..dare not weigh myself but am gonna hv to get on those scales to update my chart..going walk later..this is fantastic makes me limit what i eat cos i know…
    in angel Comment by satigill May 2010