

  • I was recently promoted also and my eating habits took a turn for the worse. I have started chewing sugarless gum and keep a stash of the "share" containers everywhere - desk, car etc. I pop them constantly - as soon as I feel my heartrate increase and I chew until the feeling passes. Good luck (and congratulations!) Denise
  • Hi - I box and I LOVE IT ! How much do i love it? I have Breast Cancer and had to have bilateral mastectomy in November - when trying to decide whether or not to have reconstruction, the plastic surgeons told me that i could never box if I had the reconstruction - so I opted to not have the reconstruction! And I have zero…
    in fighting Comment by denisemm June 2010
  • Hi jewel - welcome back! Anything I can do to help keep you here- please let me know. I have never replied to a post before - but am looking forward to getting through the challenges of getting healthy with someone. Denise
    in Back Again Comment by denisemm June 2010