

  • This diet works - but it is healthy (I wouldn't really call it a diet, it's more of a change of eating habits).. my sis lost 45 pounds and is still going.. She has been on it much longer than 2 weeks, which is completely safe because it is healthy.. If you try it, I wish you the best. I'm going to!
  • First I would like to say that I feel bad for everyone who thinks Dr. Oz is full of crap. He knows so much about natural things and it helps people learn about things they would otherwise not know about. As for the person that said he was just "grilled by the government" - WELL, he went to them seeking help from the…
  • Thank you for your tips! It's interesting... I started out drinking heavy cream in my coffee... then switched to the low carb Vanilla Carbmaster.. because the net carbs in that was 0. AND it tasted great! THEN, I thought I wasn't getting enough fats or something, so I went and bought the 1/2 and 1/2. The only issue I had…
  • I found my Ketone strips right near the pharmacy section... You could even ask them and they will show you. It's right by all the diabetic items. Thank you for letting me know how to open the diary. Today wasn't the best day... I ate a late lunch and now I don't want to eat dinner...... and it's already too late. What I…
  • Hi #1 - How do I open up my food diary? I'm not sure how to do that. I had also read about doing the fat fast.. but I will be TOTALLY honest here. It scares the crap out of me. I'm 54. And although I get the whole idea of Atkins, the idea of slamming that much fat into my system is scary. I see my arteries just swelling…
  • Thank you for your help! I'm still trying.. I am going on the net carbs now.. and I'm under, but I am not losing the weight. I'm VERY discouraged. My starting weight was 151.8 last Monday. By this past Saturday it was 149.6 and now it is back up to 150.6. Something is not right. I am using the sticks - it shows that I am…
  • I see - its percentage..... got that. What would you suggest I set fiber at? And sugar? Thank you!
  • Hi - You set yours to "10 carbs" ? Isn't that really low?? I've been trying to figure mine out as well. I'm just having a tough time all over the place. I've been on Atkins now since last Monday, and I'm not doing well. This past Saturday I thought I was doing ok... and now, I'm back up. I'm watching net carbs.. of 20g.…
  • Well I broke that 150 mark...... FINALLY!!!!!!!!! I thought my scale was broken. LOL Even though it is only 149.6.. , it has been out of the 150's for 2 days. That in itself makes me feel great. I'm feeling better about sticking with it now. Also, I seem to be getting closer to ketosis.. I'm in the moderate zone.…
  • This is my first week on Atkins Induction........ I used to do Atkins yearzzzzzzzz ago when it was "taboo".. I'm so used to doing just the 20 carbs that when I started reading more about the newer way, and the 'net carbs", sugar alcohol, fibers, etc.. I just didn't know what to think! So far, this week I have only lost 1.4…
  • Well, I'm not new to MFP.. when I joined a few years back, I was up near 175 :embarassed: I had never been that weight in my entire life. Depression will do that. I had just lost my mom from lung cancer, my sister moved out of state and I was alone. I used to be in body-building many years back (I know, can you believe…
  • Ice cream is at the top of my list. I will miss it. FOR NOW. In moderation later.