kmbrooks15 Member


  • I strongly recommend the book "The PCOS Diet" by Hillary Wright. It has been a lifechanger for me (I have PCOS also). And talk to your doctor about Metformin. I don't know if it's okay when breastfeeding, but your doctor could tell you. It has made all the difference for me.
  • I had the same issue. My Fitbit wasn't the problem, though--it showed the calories I burned at BodyPump this morning accurately. But I was being given over 2,000 additional calories by MFP! I knew I didn't exercise that much this morning! I had logged in to change my weekly loss goal, and after I did that, it fixed itself.…
  • This is a tricky question to answer, but here's my personal experience: I have PCOS, and losing weight is very difficult, even with proper medication. Since it was so difficult, I made excuses not to try. Some of the excuses were rooted in genuine concerns, such as finding time to exercise. Some of the excuses were because…
  • Weight loss is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. And it's not linear either--you won't see a nice straight downward sloping line on a graph; it will actually look more like a lie detector test with all the ups and downs. That's why I try to set mini-goals for myself. 63 pounds just seems insurmountable. So I set…
  • I have a Fitbit Blaze but am wishing now I'd gotten the Surge for the GPS since I just took up running. :( The answer to this really depends on what you want out of a tracker. I have found that my heart rate tends to be pretty true to what the tracker says when I take my actual pulse. And you definitely want your heartrate…
  • I echo everyone else. This is a deep-seated issue that losing weight won't solve. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to lose weight, because you'll physically feel so much better. But this is about more than weight loss. Do me a favor--reply to this post and tell me 3 things about yourself that are positive or good. It could…
  • I use Garden Delight pasta. It's made from vegetables and tastes like regular pasta to me.
  • Awww...dang it. That's the one that says 145 is still overweight... :wink:
    in BMI Comment by kmbrooks15 May 2016
  • After a little more playing around with it, the issue is that they're all giving me the same NUMBER, but whether they classify it as overweight or obese seems to vary widely. On one site, it says that at 182 and 5'4" I'm obese, while another says overweight. My goal weight is 145, and one site says that's still in the…
    in BMI Comment by kmbrooks15 May 2016
  • Thanks for the info cbelc2. I downloaded a couple of apps and they must just be really bad ones. At least they were free. :)
    in BMI Comment by kmbrooks15 May 2016
  • It is interesting to see how differently people are motivated. My hat goes off to you that you can be that motivated at home--I have trouble at home because there are too many other things to do there (like sit on the couch and eat cookies!).
  • Weight loss is 100% diet. Yes, you can help it along with exercise, but even if you're running 20 miles a day, you won't lose if you're eating more than you burn. As to general overall health, exercise is just as important as diet. A healthy diet and regular exercise have benefits for your heart and other organs, your…
  • I have seen people be successful on programs like Advocare, but I've seen others be just as successful without it. I sometimes think products like that aren't really affecting you, and the results are from the placebo effect. You feel like you're taking this product that just HAS to help, so in your mind it IS helping. So…
  • This. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, so you can easily end up doing something like eating way over your goal. And you don't have to be completely smashed for it to happen.
    in Drinking Comment by kmbrooks15 May 2016
  • That's definitely a consideration. If it's packed all the time to the point you can't use any of the equipment, it's probably worth setting up something at home if space and finances allow it. Where do you live? $65 is a lot, even for a couple. I'm in SC and my Gold's membership is $20 (for just me) and allows me to use…
  • I agree on the motivation factor. For me, space was definitely an issue, and I couldn't afford to buy a bunch of equipment all at once, but I can swing $20 a month for a gym membership. But the real issue for me is that when I'm forking out money at the gym, I feel like I have to use it to justify the expense. Some people…
  • You can add me. I have PCOS. I'm on 1000 mg of Metformin, started February 17. I've lost 20 pounds so far (about 38 to go). I'm not actually logging my food. I'm just eating whole-grain carbs instead of white carbs and have completely cut out sugar (except what naturally occurs in fruits, veggies, and milk). I eat carbs…
  • Yep, it comes off where it wants. I'm losing a little everywhere, but I'm losing faster in my arms and legs than my belly. Some of that is genetics and there's nothing you can do. It will eventually come off, it just may be slower in some areas than others. However, you can help improve how these areas look by toning the…
  • Anything that gets you up and moving is good for you. A good, brisk walk will do more good than a lazy stroll, but even a lazy stroll burns more than sitting on the couch. If you're doing brisk walking, that IS your cardio (you can get your heart rate up considerably by doing a brisk walk). If you're watching your…
    in walking Comment by kmbrooks15 May 2016
  • I'd agree about the metformin. I've done carefully monitored diets and exercise before, but I've never had the success I've had on metformin (I also have PCOS). Metformin is pretty cheap (It costs me under $2.00 a month for 1000 mg a day). I'd suggest getting back on it (do it gradually, though--don't just start taking…
  • Just eat some vegetables and fruit, and let your body do its own detoxing. That's what your liver and kidneys are for. It's a lot cheaper and less unpleasant.
    in Detoxing Comment by kmbrooks15 May 2016
  • You do have to be careful about sodium (sodas contain a lot of it), but you can certainly enjoy some diet sodas. I think it's like anything else--balance and moderation. I don't typically drink a lot of diet sodas, but I will have one occasionally when I get lunch out or something.
  • Talk about a back-handed compliment. Like when my kids say, "Well, Mom, you're not THAT old." Gee, thanks...
  • Here's the great thing: there are so many gym and non-gym options for exercise. Each person needs to find what works for them as an individual. It's been interesting to read people's different reasons for their choice of workout locations.
  • A proper bra fitting is crucial. And finding the right bra can work wonders. I'm losing and was recently fitted, but it's already changed again from a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to have to wait until I'm closer to goal before getting another fitting. Thankfully, a lot of department stores will do free fittings.
  • How about cats drinking cow's milk?
  • Well said. Comparing the Biggest Loser contestants with average folks doing this at home is comparing apples and oranges.
  • Replace so-called "white" carbs (white bread, rice, pasta) with whole grain carbs. Use a multi-grain bread, brown rice, and whole wheat or veggie pasta (I use the Garden Delight and it's good). They have less of an impact on your blood sugar, which helps with weight loss. If I went without carbs, I'd probably murder…
  • Good idea. Stick to 1-2 pounds per week. And if you're concerned about losing muscle mass, add some strength training to your exercise plan. Even when the pounds are slow coming off, you'll see progress in inches lost.
  • I'm the SAME WAY. This time around, I'm not even logging my food or counting calories. I have PCOS, so I'm concentrating more on just eating healthy foods. I've replaced my white carbs with whole grain and am eating more lean meats and veggies and smaller carb portions. When I got bored with the machines at the gym, I…