zta1989 Member


  • Stick with it. I am 42 and started C25K in September and could hardly do the 30-second runs without huffing and puffing. I finished it in December and have been running anywhere between 2-3 miles every other day since then. You will be AMAZED by how much endurance you will build up and how your speed will begin to increase…
  • I agree with the posts about building the recipe under your food tab and saving it. Once you make the recipe, figure out how many servings the dish makes for you, depending on the size portion you want and edit the recipe accordingly. You could then either separate it into individual containers for eating later. Bear in…
  • Two slices of bread can really get you (easily 100-120/slice). Try the 100 calorie sandwich thins to help cut the calories and be careful with the condiments like mayo.
  • I did my second day today. I accidentally repeated W1D1 because I forgot to scroll to W1D2, but I have to admit that this is a cool program for easing back into running. I haven't really run since college (which was sporadic then) - almost 20 years ago. I've set myself a goal of running at least one 5K before December 31.
  • I have trouble with the jumping jacks, too. My knees and ankles absolutely hate it. I just march in place while still doing my arms in the jumping jack motion. It helps to keep the heart rate up and that's what's important.
  • I have a tracking app on my iPhone and I don't fully trust it. Last week, I did a long walk (around 3.5 miles) and it didn't record all of the activity or distance even though it did it just fine the week before. I think a lot of the success of it depends on how well your phone hits the signals from the cell towers around…
  • Thanks for starting this post. I've been frustrated since I've been at this for about 6 weeks now and have only lost 6 pounds (3.5 in the first week). I looked back through my diary and checked how much sugar and sodium I was having and it was off the charts on many days. While I met the calorie goal (or came in under b/c…
  • I have turkey bacon every morning and change up what I eat with it. Sometimes I have half a bagel and other times I'll do scrambled eggs or steel-cut oatmeal (which you can also buy in instant packets). The oatmeal + bagel is a pretty carb-heavy combo that can leave you hungry sooner than you'd like. I'd add some protein…
  • Holy crow! Amazing! My goal is 140 and I will keep your success in mind as I keep on going. I am so blown away that you did it in 11.5 months as well!! Congratulations!!
  • I have a friend who is EXTREMELY fit and works as a personal trainer. I asked her about this today and she shared her attitude on eating exercise calories...if you aren't hungry and you don't feel run-down without eating, don't eat them. However, you should still work to meet your calorie goal to make sure that you have…
  • I was sore for about the first 4 or 5 days and then it got better. I took some Aleve to help with the muscle aches, but my best advice is just to keep on going as best as you can.
  • I bought one yesterday after doing a 3.25 mile walk and questioning whether the app on my phone and the calorie counter in the database were close to accurate. if I'm going to eat these exercise calories back, I don't want them to be inaccurate! I bought a New Balance one with a chest strap at Target for about $70. I wore…
  • Definitely seek medical care. When your body is not responding normally to water or exertion, you definitely need to have that checked out by a medical professional.
  • 8 ounces of almond milk has something like 45% of the daily recommended amount.
  • I don't think that you need to eat back all of the calories that you burn, but you definitely need to eat them because your body needs the fuel. I remember hearing that Michael Phelps eats like 12,000 calories a day when he's training.
  • I'm feeling the same way this morning after weighing for the week. My first week I lost 3.5 pounds and then nothing this week. I looked back through my diary and found that I was under my calorie goal several times, with my net calories around 1200-1300. I'm realizing that I have to make myself eat more even though it goes…
  • LOL!! I don't think that it will result in any uneven areas because the ultimate goal is to burn fat. It's not meant to be a muscle-building workout, although you do end up with leaner muscle as a result. I would be more concerned when you're doing targeted muscle work.
  • Thanks, y'all! This makes me feel a lot better that not everyone is advancing after 10 days and then 20 days.
  • You look amazing! I started out around the same weight and am also 5' 4", so this really helps motivate me. Thank you for sharing your inspiring pictures and congratulations on your engagement!
  • This is an excellent tip and I always do this in restaurants. When I make salads at home, I measure out how much I'm putting on the salad. I love creamy dressings and to increase the amount of dressing without drastically increasing calories, I like to mix lite ranch dressing with salsa. I usually do 2 parts salsa to 1…
  • They just put sound out into the room - like the sound of a fan blowing or waves crashing on the beach. Some have the sound of rain falling, crickets, and all kinds of other sounds that people might find soothing. I kept one in my kids' room when they were babies to help block out all of the household sounds when they were…
  • Are you guys eating your exercise calories, too? If so, do you eat them all or just some of them?
  • After coming across an article that chocolate milk is the best post-workout recovery drink, I'm drinking an 8-ounce box of organic chocolate milk after exercising for refueling. I buy in bulk from Costco and each little box has 190 calories. According to the study done at U of Texas, the chocolate milk helps rebuild muscle…
  • Thanks for the post. Great results. I will be doing Day 5 tomorrow. I'm using lighter weights because I have issues with two bulging discs in my neck and I'm afraid of aggravating them, but that workout seriously kicks my butt even with the lighter weights.
  • That's disgusting, but I'm going to print it out and post it in a place where I can see it every day to help motivate me!
  • Congrats! You look amazing!! I love seeing these success pictures. They are so inspiring!
  • Congrats! I would totally post a pic like that if I were in that situation, too! What kind of exercises have you been doing since you started this? I'm really finding lots of inspiration from people on this site.
  • I agree with this line of thinking. How many of the rebound people stopped doing what they were doing as they lost the weight? Did they cut back on working out? Did they stop tracking their food for the day? Did they decide that a little more fast food would be OK? There are too many variables for them to make a blanket…
  • I read an interesting study that chocolate milk after a workout is "the ideal post-workout recovery drink". http://www.utexas.edu/news/2011/06/22/milk_studies/