katie23may Member


  • My every day breakfast is two peices of whole wheat bread toasted and two eggs fried. Gives me great protein and enough to fill me up until lunch. This gives me the ability to not overeat then for lunch. Although if you don't have time to fry eggs, that could be a hassle. Maybe look for a great low cal cereal such as…
  • I personally would match your weight loss with dropping pant sizes. My first goal last summer when I lost 40 lbs was to to go from a 20 down to a 16 (US sizes). Well after I dropped all the weight I wanted to I went to the store to buy myself some "congratulations" pants and found I went all the way to a 14. I was super…
  • Subway website has a calorie counter and u specifically add what you put on your sandwich, maybe this would help?