Mini Goals Help!


I started on MFP this week and wanted some advice on setting up mini goals. I've got 100+lb to lose which is an incredibly scary number.

I read a few people saying that mini goals and targets are a great way to keep motivated, but I have no idea what realistic targets are and don't want to dishearten myself or to feel as though I've cheated.

I'd also like to include dress sizes in my mini goals but have no idea what weightloss in lbs equates to roughly in dress sizes.

I'm 5'8, SW was 259lb and I'm wearing a UK 20/22.

Please help! xx


  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Im trying to lose 51 and thats just as scary but im thinking of it in half stones and full stones. Like me youve already lost 4 so im only 3lbs of my first mini goal

    every 7 and 14 ill be celebrating! :) I started at 191 at 5'7 and im a 14/16 so if that gives you an indication for that...

    Hope that helps :) x
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I have 50 lbs to lose (though I'll probably shoot for 75 after all is said and done).
    I broke it down by 5-10 lb goals.
    I lose the first 5, I reward myself with a haircut.
    I lose the first 10, I reward myself with some cosmetics.
    I'm trying to figure out which mini goal reward to choose when I lose 20 lbs total, but I'm sure I'll think of something.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I never did the mini goals but when my pants stopped fitting i bought a smaller size, i also purchased runners, workout dvds and workout clothing since i started losing weight again.
  • katie23may
    katie23may Posts: 4 Member
    I personally would match your weight loss with dropping pant sizes. My first goal last summer when I lost 40 lbs was to to go from a 20 down to a 16 (US sizes). Well after I dropped all the weight I wanted to I went to the store to buy myself some "congratulations" pants and found I went all the way to a 14. I was super excited, but then I thought wow what if I only dropped to a 18 over 40 lbs.
    Because each body is different i would chose one goal. Either weight in numbers or pant size dropping. You have to pat yourself on the back for taking the initial step to losing weight. What I did was "rewarded" myself for every 10 lbs lost. I would choose the reward and put it on the fridge so I would see it multiple times a day. I would look at that when I went to the fridge and really asked myself if I was truly hungry, and if I was, what was the best option to reach my goal. Rewards included a new purse, shoes, pants (as I got smaller), ect.
    I wish you the best of luck. I have another 60 that I would like to lose after my first 40 lost.
  • babbityboo
    babbityboo Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for all your help and advice everyone :smile: I'm open to all friendship invitations! I'm not desperate or anything, but the more people I have to talk to, the more reasons I have to keep going!

    Thank you :smile: long road ahead... :ohwell:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I set goals by holidays. I wanted to be under 200 by July 4th, then 189 by Labor Day, now 165 by Halloween, etc. Then I just watch for that date and base the goal number with a loss of 2 lbs a week.

    I ideally need to lose 100 to be at my 'ideal weight' but I will be as happy as a pig is *kitten* if I hit 150 and I think I can do it by the end of the year. I've lost 47 lbs since May.
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    i find 10 pound goals work well for me. I feel great when i go one under and I'm in 270's VS 280's etc. Friend me if you like I am looking for new motivation because i am falling into a slump and need to loose 100+ too.
  • M155AUS
    M155AUS Posts: 52 Member
    My mini goals were in 7lbs and 14lbs (stone) and I would treat myself to something small along the way and then new clothes as a big present when I last lost some weight. You could have a mini-goal of everytime you drop 2 or 3 dress sizes, you will pack up your old clothes and buy yourself a new wardrobe if you want to include dress sizes.

    I find for every stone I lose I drop a dress size. I am 5'9 and size 14 (for the most part) UK sizes. I have a naturally big frame, but want to get down to 150lbs (around 11 stone).

    I hope that helps.
  • babbityboo
    babbityboo Posts: 98 Member
    I need dresses sizes because my friend is already looking into bridesmaid dresses and needs to know what size to order for me :ohwell: eeeep!!
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Another alternative goals setting is to have fitness goals or challenges. If you take elevators-walk the stairs instead, when shopping -park further away in parking lot. If you are walking for exersize- walk further or faster every week, or if your in some kind of workout group - challenge yourself to keep going. If you have kids - make a point of doing something that you wouldn't have done before with them! Some of these little weekly challenges will keep you motivated even if the scale is bouncing around from time to time.

    Good luck!