fit443 Member


  • I bump around a lot too - so I never believe the lowest number, or the highest number. I've been 5 lbs up by the end of the day so many times! I tell myself I'm a pound or two heavier than the scale says, and take my measurements every two weeks. That's been a better marker of my overall progress. It can get discouraging…
  • anticipate and burn! Give yourself a calorie budget, drink your water, and schedule in a great big "pre-emptive workout" to deal with the extras. For me today is was this incredible soft cheese....nyam! But I'll hit my calorie goal for the day with a serious workout tonight. Actually, in the next hour or so. And I traded…
  • I started by playing around to find out what I actually like to do. I really didn't even know. Then I started doing one of those things every day, but rarely the same thing two days in a row. Then I started paying attention to the calories and challenging myself. If you're going to stick with it you have to enjoy it. There…
  • Bring it on, let's go! Making a big batch of lentil soup for lunches to defend myself from the insanity of crappy food choices - not only available to us, but also expected of us this time of year! 7 lbs gets me to my goal (155) for Christmas, and I am not losing quickly, so I need a morale boost! sw: 162
  • Exactly what I was thinking! BUMP!
  • Now I know what to add to my christmas list! Thanks for the feedback.
  • Hi, I'm Sharon, and I've been peri-menopausal since 2007. I still have a cycle - I blame that on my 16 yr old's hormones! It's actually far more regular since I've been working out more. Still I know my days are numbered, so I'll be learning from you all. It certainly explains the struggle to bust through flat spots in my…
  • Can't fully answer that one yet, except to say...longer than I want! I've been working hard for about 21 weeks now, so I'm not setting any speed records or anything. And yep, there have been some off days. The worst ones aren't the "Special event" types, where I see them coming and prepare. Instead, I hate getting…
  • Until puberty...then, nope! Even though I was a healthy weight till my early 30's. After twins, the belly button has just never bounced back, and the stretch marks - can't do that to unsuspecting joe public!
  • Better health is the foundational reason to make a lifestyle change - good for you!
  • I have had a different journey than you, so I'm not sure that I am qualified to give you advice. I will simply share a part of my story, and ways that I find helpful for me. I hope that's okay. Two years ago, as of November 5, I lost my best friend to H1N1. On Friday she told me she wasn't feeling great so we cancelled a…
    in Holidays Comment by fit443 November 2011
  • hurray you! Thanks for sharing, since I wasn't brave enough to even take before pics, but I've lost almost the same amount, so now I'm feeling great, just cuz you're looking great!
  • aim to keep output and input equivalent. If you eat 1800, make sure you burn enough on top of your bmr to add up to 1800. Lucky girl!
    in Inches Comment by fit443 November 2011
  • What a great idea! thanks for sharing.
  • Me, too, even though I've been a mom for a long time now (my oldest is 16 - yikes!). Some days you just need someone to talk to!
  • We are certainly not perfect in our house, but we do a couple of things that help. 1. We limit extra-curriculars for our kids. They really don't need to run a 5 - night a week schedule each. They pick something they like, and we work it out as a team. 2. We block out one afternoon or evening/weekend for "nothing" - not…
  • I'm not shaking the weight as fast as some, but I'm on daily and making great changes that will have an impact long term. Count me in! Thanks, thrivingatthirty, for keeping on, keeping on!
  • Well, I feel old compared to all of you, but I'm Sharon, I'm 42, and I'm still working on losing the baby weight after twins 8 years ago. I joined mfp about 10 weeks ago, and have lost weight fairly consistently. I went back to work after my maternity leave, and my husband came home to look after our boys. It was a huge…
    in Welcome Comment by fit443 November 2011
  • Black team 7 points for exercise 6 points for calorie goal 5 points for weight loss (one more!) AM I hot yet? Nope. A bit closer, though. What have I learned about myself? Endorphins from exercise really do make a difference in my mood! I'm over-the-top about life - I need to slow down and build lifestyle habits rather…
  • Congratulationss!!!! It seems like every day you're accomplishing something new! Woot!
  • back in the game, ladies!! 7 - exercise 7 - calorie 10 - weight (YAYYYYYYYYYYY! FINALLY shook it off!) No crazy costume this year - I'll wear my gi to school (ultra comfy) and hand out the candy at the door while hubby is "doofensmirtz" with Phineas, Ferb and Candace! Might even plan a glass of vino....
  • Thanks, Cassy - and I did shake a pound already this week! Yay! And joined a gym - the trainer thinks I'm eating too little (1200 cal baseline, and then eating back my exercise count). I go back for part 2 of the assessment, so we shall see what happens this week.
  • Team Black 13 points 6 for calorie 7 for exercise 0 for weight loss...again...sigh I had to move all the buttons on my pants, though - I've lost more than three inches from my waist, so that was motivating. but I really, really want to lose some weight this week.
  • I don't know what the ratio of my macros is...I know that most days I have carbs left, my protein is usually over, and my fat is close to the mfp suggested levels. Is that bad? I'm not very good at the science of all this yet.
  • That sounds interesting...can you explain zigzagging for me in tiny little words that make sense to total fitness amateurs?
  • week 5: black team - sorry. 5 points calorie goal 5 points workout goal 0 points (gained 3 somehow...?) I didn't actually even go much over my calorie allowance, so I'm really surprised. And discouraged... On the upside, tonight I spent an hour on a beast of a machine called a cross ramp, and burned 505 calories. Penance,…
  • the first day I exercised and didn't eat up the extra calories, a warning popped up at the bottom of my food diary after I submitted my daily entry. It said that dropping below a net caloric intake of 1200 would put my body into "starvation" mode. A friend of mine who lost weight with a reputable organization confirmed…
  • That is EXACTLY the kind of thing that cheers me on - thanks so much for sharing! Every day we get past the blahs and the bad attitudes, we have conquered!
  • Go Black team! 29 points: 15 - 3 lb down 7 - calorie goal met daily 7 - exercise goal met daily The shirt I threw on to bike to work this morning was loose - it was uncomfortably tight in August. On the way home every day, I have to bike up a fair hill - today I did it in 2.6 gear!!!! When I started, I'd have to gear all…
  • Points: (go Black!) exercise goal - 7 calorie goal - 7 weight lost - 5pts (1 lb). My favourite way to burn calories...hum....inside: karate, outside: biking, water: jogging