AradiaRue Member


  • I think a lot of it is water weight, and what is healthier, losing 36 pounds or caring it around? I think at this point on his life, the faster that much weight gets off the better, and as long as he is exercising and eating the right things, and is monitored by a doctor then it should be fine....I mean I don't think The…
  • Wow, that is really a great workout program for you, and it is a plus that you got an exercise buddy to go with you, I don't have any such luck here, and I wont go it alone because I get to spooked and there isn't any place around me that does water stuff, so it is the Treadmill, & Wii for me although I try to change it up…
  • About 8 years ago I went on the Atkins diet, and I lost a lot of weight real fast, in 7 months time I had lost 78 pounds, I hardly exercised, and to tell the truth I thought I was looking sick, the flesh was just hanging there not getting toned or anything...I stopped the diet after being tired of not being about to have…
  • I use a pedometer that tells you your steps, how far that is in miles, also tells you how many calories you burned and fat grams burned I bought mine at amazon and it wasn't that expensive at all, it is an Omron brand It works great for me! good luck! I'm Getting off the Rollercoaster Ride!!! Heaviest weight and at start…
  • WTG Angie! I'm Getting off the Rollercoaster Ride!!!
  • WOW! Thank you everyone for the encouraging Support!, Ok I have decided to keep my long term goal but also to add smaller ones along the way, My smaller goals are going to be to reach the next 10's so right now my smaller goal is to reach 239, then 229, then 219 and so on until I finally reach 129 :happy: Created by…
  • WOW I tryed the Popcorn with the cinnamon tonight and it was Awesome, I think it is my "NEW" Fav Snack! I also sprayed the I can't believe it's not butter on it and of course my packet of Splenda....its made from real sugar sooooo it isn't as bad for you as others :) and I really enjoyed it a lot! Thanks for the Tips!!! I…
  • When I make my Air Popped Popcorn I like to spray it with Nonstick cooking spray, butter flavor and then I take one packet of Slenda and sprinkle all over it, reminds me kinda like Kettle Corn, and is so Yummy especially if you have a sweet tooth. I was reading were some of you use the I can't believe it's not butter…