

  • If it is want you really want to do than go for it. There are plenty of people who have surgery and regret nothing. As long as you have properly researched everything, know what to expect than fingers crossed there should be nothing to worry about. If I were you I would wait until after I finished having kids but I am a)…
  • I knit and spin so reward myself with wool. I have 2 things I reward myself for. Sticking to my lifestyle plan for 1 calendar month and every time I lose 1stone (14pounds). Goal one- Stick to plan until 21st Dec, reward-fibre to spin Goal two- Reach target of 10st 13lbs, Reward- Enough yarn to knit a sweater. When I reach…
  • No but my calorie allowance automatically set to 1300 ATM. I struggled with this when it came down from 1460. I have no intention of trying to keep under 1200 because that is really tough. Especially on the days when it would be nice to have a break from exercise and there is nothing more de-motivating than going over your…
  • I really don't think that anybody should be judging other people by what the buy or how they buy it. Unless you know the person and you cannot make assumptions about their lack of education, choices of what to spend their food stamps or on the reasons that they are fat. You have no idea whether the person buys sweets/candy…
  • I believe this happens when our bodies get used to what we are doing. Change your style of exercise and eat different things. I haven't hit a plateau as yet but this is what I will do when it happens. Good luck.
  • I allow myself a treat once per day. I time it for when my son gets home from school so I can spend the day looking forward to being allowed it when he comes home. This makes it easier to push through cravings until then. After that it is dinner and I am normally to full to crave any more chocolate. So my advice is don't…
  • Hi, Sorry I am new here but had to have a little comment on this. While I don't go out of my way to exclude aspartame I do try and avoid it where I can. I only have to see the effect that a fruit shoot has on my children to tell that there is something wrong about it. They regularly consume chocolate, sugar even caffeine…
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