Almost goal,Tummy Tuck in Jan...Success but scared :( *Pics*



  • i am amazed at how big your weight loss is! good for you! i am 188lbs and would do anything to be in the 120s. if i may ask, how long did it take you and what did you do to lose so fast, (you mentioned it was fast)? i agree with the other one who posted, do what ever makes you feel happy, fulfilled and complete. keep it up!
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    I stopped eating fried foods and didnt drink pop,made sure i only ate about 1300 calories a day (though i ate back some of what i would lose working out) and i started a 4-6X a week excersize schedule...personalyl i began with Power 90 (a beachbody DVD!)
    I also did A LOT of Just Dance on the nintendo wii :)

    I still eat tons of fresh fruit and vegetables ( i am a vegetarian, but also was a vegetarian when i was fat) and only whole white rice or bread <3!

    Took me about 6 months to get down to 140, then lost the rest over about 3 months :)
  • If it is want you really want to do than go for it. There are plenty of people who have surgery and regret nothing. As long as you have properly researched everything, know what to expect than fingers crossed there should be nothing to worry about.

    If I were you I would wait until after I finished having kids but I am a) Comfortable with my body and its flaws b) unable to afford surgery even if I wanted it so would not want to be getting more in a few years.

    Only you know if it is the right decision for you. If it is (and if you have already booked it you have obviously decided it is) than good luck with it. I hope your new body is everything you want it to be. If we all spent life waiting for something before we did something else nothing would ever get done. (like waiting until after kids to lose weight in the first place...)
  • jmppilot
    jmppilot Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, a lot of replies in a short span of time! You obviously hit on a hot topic.

    Not being a woman, I will not comment on if this decision should be made pre-kids or post-kids. I just want to share my experience. I lost over 70 pounds 6 - 7 years ago. While I have not kept it all off, I have kept most of it off. Yet even after all these years I still have a belly pouch. I am convinced the only way to get rid of it would be surgery. I have not done it... at least not yet. There are other priorities in my life right now. But I have thought about it and may consider it in the future.

    You make the decision which is best for you. I just wanted to let you know, that at least in my case, years of waiting and my skin has still not tightened up from my former belly.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have had a tummy tuck in 2006, but it was post-children. My belly button doesn't look wierd, it does have a ring around it, which is now silver from the scar is hip to hip, not the prettiest, I didn"t heal well due to a small infection...but I can cover it with a bikini bottom, that is higher cut up the stomach. I love my stomach so much now, that I don't care about the scar, even if it is shown.
    I would do it all again!

    I hated my matter how much weight I lost, or exercised it looked horrible. I waited until my last child was 7 years old, my weight was the same than as it was pre-children, so I knew that extra skin was going not going anywhere!

    If you have been heavy for a long period of time, and then lose the weight...unfortunately your skin has been stretched out and might not recover, just like if you blow up a balloon and realease it, it goes back into shape, but if you blow it up and leave it for a week, once the air is out it is still out of shape.

    Your decision, your body...I say go for it and worry about having kids when it happens. you cannot worry about the future that way, you have no idea what it will might decided to not have children, you might decide to adopt instead or you might decided to have 1 and have triplets...LOL.

    Friend me...I am very open about my surgery and will gladly answer any questions you have... stomach looks better at 43 years than it did at 21, even with me being 15 lbs heavier!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    I say go for it! You only live once and if it's going to make you happy then that is what you should do. The point is that you lost the weight and this will bring you to the point you want to be at! Post after pics if for us! Good luck!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Wow, a lot of replies in a short span of time! You obviously hit on a hot topic.

    Not being a woman, I will not comment on if this decision should be made pre-kids or post-kids. I just want to share my experience. I lost over 70 pounds 6 - 7 years ago. While I have not kept it all off, I have kept most of it off. Yet even after all these years I still have a belly pouch. I am convinced the only way to get rid of it would be surgery. I have not done it... at least not yet. There are other priorities in my life right now. But I have thought about it and may consider it in the future.

    You make the decision which is best for you. I just wanted to let you know, that at least in my case, years of waiting and my skin has still not tightened up from my former belly.

    Just saw this, yep me too I lost weight before and had the belly flab and now going at it again I am experimenting with a belly strap. It basically is a wrap that you wear when working out. Another MFP told me she wore spankx for her entire weight lose and got rid of a lot of the extra skin so while I am losing weight and working out I wear the strap. Not sure if it will work but the investment was only $15.00 and it can't hurt. Will see what the results are in a few months when I reach my goal.
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    I am having skin issues myself but it is slowly tightening up as I continue to work out. I had a 6 pack 20+ years ago, would love to get back there but I don't know if it is possible without surgery.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You should be able to check and see if he's been reported for malpractice somewhere. Not sure where, but yeah. Talk to him about your fears after you've done some investigation. Also, ask to see pictures of his patients after their surgeries. Good luck with yours.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss and maintenance of it! That is awesome. I really don't have any advice, other than to get the very best doctor and you are happy with your choice. That's great! I'd be nervous, too. Can you talk to the surgeon again before the procedure? Write down your thoughts so you don't forget and can ask him/her (? I forgot) and maybe get some reassurance. Best of luck!!
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    When I was younger, I had done exactly what you did... I lost a lot of weight and hated the poochy belly, so I got a tummy tuck. I have to say, when I first got it, I loved it! I was flat and felt wonderful. Now for the downside. I did gain weight back over the years and I'm working on taking it off again now. However as I gained, my belly button is anchored to my stomach muscles somehow and I look like a sausage in the middle. It has ruined my natural waist line. I don't know what I am going to look like when I finish losing. I still have 70 lbs to go, but hopefully, I will be loving it once again.
    Only you can decide what is right for you. Best of luck whatever you decide.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Im surprised your doctor is even doing it knowing you want to have kids in the future, because I would think that he wouldnt want you to waste your money either because once you start having babies it will pooch back out and you will be back in square one after spending so much money....You do look great and whoever you decide to spend the rest of your life will think you do too and with a little bit of a tummy it shows your "battle scars" from losing the weight and sure you dont want it there but at the same time you dont want to waste your money after pregnancies trust me it wrecks havoc on your body and its all worth it of course but not after paying a price like that on a tummy tuck
  • itsabouttime37
    itsabouttime37 Posts: 8 Member
    Go for it you !!! You will be so happy with the results.
    I would also do a little research on the doctor and ask for reference. He can put u in touch with other people that had it done.
    Good luck and won't to see pics after :)
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    I totally get that you want to look great for the next 5-8 yrs but I think once you have kids you're going to regret doing it before having kids. I think you look great anyway! What if you had the surgery then met the man of your dreams and decided to have kids sooner? I just fear you're going to think it was a waste of money. But if you REALLY want to do it then I say go for it!
  • CAlley1985
    CAlley1985 Posts: 8 Member
    I say consult your doctor, if he or she thinks that it would be safe to have it done before kids and would be safe to have children after the Tummy Tuck i say go for it....also...should work on being happy with who you are as a person and i dont mean in just the physical aspect.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Good for you. I have zero issues with plastic surgery. If you’ve done your research, know the risks, can afford it, and you think it is something that would make you feel or look better – congratulations!

    My only advice (I haven’t had a tummy tuck, but have been through two friend’s recoveries) is to make sure your expectations are set right. It’s quite painful and it can take as long as six months for all the swelling to go down. Don’t let it depress you if it isn’t as perfect as you expected in February, you know?
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I say go for it. I have another 40 pounds to lose and my belly, inner thighs and under arms look like yours already and I plan to get skin removal myself. I mean, its just skin, its not like they are going in and messing with your organs. I honestly don't see what the big deal people are having with it. Anyhow, I think its great because you will feel so much better. I know that I am already feeling funny when I run, people don't think about those things. Thank God for spanks! Its more then just the way you look, its how you feel. Good luck!
  • If you have done your homework, have a fabulous BOARD CERTIFIED plastic surgeon, go for it. You have worked hard and there is absolutely NO reason you should not finish this journey at your age. You will look fabulous and raise your self-esteem. I wish you well and can hardly wait to see your after pics when you heal. Good luck!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I had a tummy tuck at age 25 after losing 90 lbs. I had two kids in my 30's and regained all the weight back. Particularly in my first pregnancy, the skin was uncomfortably taut, but maybe all first-time mothers go through that. I don't know.

    I have conflicted feelings about having had the tummy tuck when I did, but I did enjoy 11 child-free years of a flat-ish abdomen. It added to my confidence level.

    If you want to message me about anything, feel free!
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