Wi11ie Member


  • We're all here to help! You can count on me.....
  • .37g per pound if you're not too active. I would shoot for 1g per pound like rluca posted. Good Luck with your endeavor!
  • Hey Ama. Like Mary mentioned in her reply.....it's society. But, never let that get you down (easier said han done, huh?). Let people continue to get to know you inside and out. Besides, if you have a lot to offer, someone will wanna take it (Trust Me)! Never give up or feel bad. We can work on it together! -w
  • If you stayed hydrated and continued eating during your "sick-time," I think you'll be keeping some of that weight off!! That's always good news. Drink a little extra while you're sick...
  • LOL, Hush7! Have you been hydrating? That's usually what it is. Unfortunately, drinking liquids ups the weight in an instant, but your body will get rid of what it doesn't need. Stay hydrated!!! Hope you're feeling better!