VeganMotoGirl Member


  • My husband and I were just talking about this the other day. It has been over 100 degrees where I live for a couple weeks straight. so I was looking for outfits that would help keep me cooler. I can really get away with a skirt and a tshirt and long as it covers enough but he has to wear long pants and a collar. Guys…
  • My work has no sholders in the policy but people do not always follow it. However, I have some tattoos that go over on to my shoulder a bit so I usually have to cover up anyway. They may not care about shoulders but they hate Tattoos!
  • Crumble the Goats Cheese over a hot grilled chicken breast topped with a roasted roma tomato. OMG so good!
  • Rice Dream shreadded "Cheese" - had Casein in it. and Soy Sation Shreaded "Cheese" also using Casein. I thought these cheese alterniatives were supposed to be dairy free. Sure they are lactose free but not completely dairy free. I worry that these are marketed to Vegitarians and Vegans who think that they are eating animal…
  • 1500 to 1700 daily. I am in week 5 of P90X and OUCH I am hurting.
  • I really like "Go Dairy Free" is a life saver! Even though I am not a vegan, "Veganomics" is a great cook book. I add meat to most entree dished but it gives great side disn and salad options that are by default dairy free. Also "The Joy of Vegan Baking" is an excellent desert book that is all dairy free,