

  • don't trust me (remix)- 3oh!3 date with the night, band & mystery girl - yeah yeah yeahs hot chick & pop the glock- uffie last night- the strokes anything snoop, n.e.r.d., santigold, lady gaga hustling-rick ross i've got your number- passion pit rainbow veins- owl city kinda pissed & close to you- neiliyo **** you- lily…
  • don't worry my mom when started using a trainer she only 4lbs the entire month. once your body gets use to moving more and differently it should come off. also, if your drinking any type of tea that's already in a plastic bottle even if it says diet on it- is loaded with non-essential calories for teas mainly in sugar…
  • as far as yogurt is concerned if your grocery store carries stoneyfield soyogurt (trust me the peach is super tasty and you can't tell that it's soy based. turkey burgers as long as it says that its organic. I personally eat a more tofu/soy based products when it comes to eating "meat or chicken" the rest of the time i eat…
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