

  • My weight is down 2 lbs this morning it's moving again... can you see me doing cartwheels!! PLUS I'm eating 300 calories more than before! That's awesome!!
  • Oh wow THANK YOU so much.. I'm reading over this again. I did eat more calories yesterday and I had more energy. I walk-jogged 3 miles and did limited weights at the gym... meaning as much as I could lift with arm machines and not injuring a neck problem. I've also started a JJ virgin way of eating a couple of months ago…
  • Help... Please would someone who has mastered this TDEE process take a look at my numbers?? What should be my calorie intake when I exercise and when I don't..I just want to make sure I'm understanding.. My numbers: 47 yrs 63" 5'3" 130 current weight BMI 23% BMR at 130lbs lightly active is 1782 and less 20% is 1486 and…
    in TDEE -20% Comment by tj1207 June 2013