MeganG12345 Member


  • This. My mother used to do crap like that to me all the time when I was little (ask what I thought and then make me feel guilty about the answer) and it made me feel terrible. Please don't play mind games with your 7 year old.
  • I wasn't offended. Just questioning the your choice to offer snark instead of helpful advice or support.
  • OP you should really be eating back your calories, especially if you're only eating 1200 a day.
  • Don't we get enough snark and judgment other places without getting it here too?
  • A glass or two of wine is generally my indulgence. Or going out to brunch with friends. I don't eat junk food at all anymore (unless I have no other option) because I always feel guilty and can't enjoy it. I'm a pretty good cook though so I still eat tasty food pretty regularly.
  • Two things: 1. The vast majority of people use food as a coping tool sometimes 2. If you spend enough time reading about medical conditions on the internet, you will convince yourself that you have some sort of rare disease or psychological disorder. If you think you may have a problem, then seek out a professional…
  • I usually sneak in some reduced fat cheese-itz and get a small diet coke.
  • This is something I would discuss with your doctor, I wouldn't be surprised if he/she recommends therapy.
  • 125, currently 130 (I'm very small boned and have no hips)
  • I'm 5'7, my wrist measures a touch less than 6" so I've very small boned. My goal weight is 125. I'm currently 132.
  • I log my multivitamin because I track my calcium and I log my fish oil supplement because it's has calories and is part of my fat intake. I take a vitamin c supplement, but I usually don't log it.
  • That was going to be my goal for after the week. I just wanted to try cutting it all out for a week and then gradually introducing some healthier processed grains and dairy back into my diet.
  • YES Seriously I'm all for negative feedback.. so long as there's actually feedback.
  • Hummus and nuts. Edit: And beans As to why it's called a cleanse. I don't know a book I came across and Dr. Oz both described it as one.
  • I've had good results from this regimin: Using an acne face wash that contains salicylic acid (I like Murad's) Following with a non comedogenic moisturizer (I use aveeno clear complexion daily moisturizer) Taking one omega 3 supplement a day (I take dr. perricone's) Also avoiding processed food and sugar as much as…
  • Also if you have two questions: I would like to keep drinking green tea. Do you think that's an ok idea or is cutting all caffeine would be better. I take an omega 3 supplement for my hair and skin health. I was thinking about allowing that as an exception to the no animal product stipulation. Thoughts?
  • I take a women's multi, vitamin c and an omega 3.
  • A laughing cow cheese wedge and some Kashi whole grain crackers is one of my favorite snacks. For less nutritious I have Trader Joe's Espresso Pillows (basically chocolate covered espresso beans) 22 beans is 70 calories, but they have a taste that lingers so I usually just grab a handful (maybe 5) if I'm having a chocolate…
  • Here's the thing though, I don't acknowledge a higher power than myself. I acknowledge equal powers to myself, namely other people. I don't believe in god or anything bigger out there. I genuinely believe that it's just us. If I'm going to make a change in my life, it has to come from me. While my actions effect others and…
  • As someone who doesn't really know what it's like to be considered fat, what is the appropriate thing to say to someone close to you who has lost a ton of weight? I ask because one of my aunts recently lost 100+ pounds. The first time I saw her I said something to the effect of "Wow you look amazing!" Now I'm worried that…
  • My thinking is that if your body is sick and telling you it needs something (be it food or rest) you should have it. Just make sure the food you're eating is healthy. As an aside, fish oil can be very helpful in fighting chest infections. If you're not currently taking a supplement you might want to think about adding one.
  • I used to get those when I ran a lot. For immediate relief try standing or walking barefoot on a hard floor. For whatever reason that used to help me get rid of them.
  • Thanks I didn't mean actual fasting though, I meant alternating days when you eat over your average calorie goal and under it to hit a weekly rather than daily calorie goal. I've read that it can be really helpful and might help some people prevent their metabolisms from slowing down. Mostly though I think it would just…
  • Everyone slips up sometimes. Don't let it get to you, just use it as motivation for trying harder from now on.
  • I'd be fine with a warning label, but a ban is ridiculous. Though this is from the same man who banned giving away free formula in hospitals and required that new mothers be given "a talk" before allowing them to feed formula to their infants because of the benefits of breast milk. Nanny state much? He is a paternalistic…
  • "FUUUUCK THEM." Seriously I know this sounds crass and horrible but for me that has been one of the most empowering sentences. Some people are just terrible and the best way to deal with them that I've found is to just acknowledge that fact. The people who yelled that are freaking miserable human beings who aren't worth a…
  • I strongly recommend against that. There is no healthy way to lose 27 lbs per month and any crash diet you do find will not be a sustainable lifestyle. You'll just wind up gaining it all back after you start eating again while damaging your health in the process. Please consider losing weight the healthy way.
  • I like low fat sesame ginger dressing. I buy Paul Newman's brand, but I'm pretty sure there are several different brands that have versions of it. I think there are 35 calories in 2 tbs.
  • I like reduced fat chees-itz and fiber one brownies. They're not my most common snacks, as I try to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I want something a little bit junky. One thing about the reduced fat chees-itz, make sure you portion them out BEFORE you start eating them. Eating out of the box will not…