bianca_nichole Member


  • You look great!! Congrats on losing weight and on your upcoming wedding!! Is your dress still going to fit???
  • Lasagna and chocolate chip cookies (homemade or from Costco). The lasagna's easy because no one in my house really likes it but the cookies are a whole other story!!! TROUBLE!!!! And I think Costco cookies are like 300 calories each or somewhere around there and I can't have just one!!
  • I first started lifting weights while doing the Body for Life program. It is a little intimidating going over to that side of the gym but in my experience as long as you make sure you're not in anyone's way or being inconsiderate the guys over there are friendly (sometimes too much so) and will help you if needed. You…
  • I'm in! I was an athlete in high school and college and had a very physical job in college. Then I had two kids, got married, and got my dream (desk) job and gained about 25lbs. I workout regularly and do pretty well with sticking to my calories most of the time but the weekends always get me. My goal is to lose 30lbs or…
  • Whoohoo!! I'm in. I was just thinking today that I want to be at my goal weight by Christmas. I'm 185 and i WILL weigh 155 by Christmas!!