

  • I have had the same thing happening to me. in desperation I tried the diet / on the cover of First for women magazine. It advertised losing something like 47 lbs by Memorial Day. I have been counting calories, exercising 2x a day, with no results....other than weight gain. I too was not eating all my exercise calories…
  • Hmmmmmm Rob Lowe is still hot, Brad Pitt ( Legends of the Fall ) obviously I am older than some people posting ! Haha Bradley Cooper , and can't forget David Beckham 
  • Hahahahahahaha I just collect underwear, I don't ever wear them !
  • My ipod has a mix of weird Rap Music when I workout, or fast Country music. A mix of Lil Wayne , Nikki Minaj, Afro Man, Sara Evans Suds in the Bucket, Lee Ann Rhimes...Got Nothin Better to Do, anything fast.......a couple of slow ones for cooling down. I even like Justin Beiber !
  • I started this last Fall, tracking food and exercise. then went back to weight watchers. Nothing has been working for me. I could use suggestions, as I have never had such slow results in the past. I am 51, female, had a little bump in the road with Breast Cancer last year and did a lot of preventative things so I would…