kendernau Member


  • I don't really feel the two crowds you listed are that different...they are just different aspects of the same spectrum. If you are overweight because you are eating too many calories, you need to be in reduced calories group. If you are already low calorie (or extremely low calorie), you need to evaluate what you are…
  • I can't do much while I am working, but I do try to get some activity in every day. One of the easiest is to walk as much as you can. (no elevator, walk over to people's desk instead of calling them if you can, etc.) Figure out a route around work that is roughly a 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, or 1 mile. Walk a…
  • Welcome - and congratulations on taking the first step by setting a goal. I'll get you added to the tracker, and feel free to post your exercise numbers in the tracker as you do them - it really helps keep people focused and on track.
  • I don't do protein shakes. Occasionally a protein bar, but that is really just a backup, in case I'm out and can't get anything better when I need it.
  • It's a date night - go ahead and eat what you want. One meal does not a lifestyle change destroy :)
  • Welcome. I have added you to the tracker - feel free to post your numbers whenever is convenient for you!
  • Emailed copy of report to myself at home, so I will finally be able to get it posted to Google Docs. Look for the link soon (I promise)!
  • And here are the updated cumulative numbers. Name/ID Total Burned Total Left Average Left Group Totals 164,580 7,220,420 20,630 Reporting Averages 4,702 98,910 283 2011_4mygirls 5,638 94,362 270 Alexia40 3,447 96,553 276 Amberness89 6,778 93,222 266 andilynn82 722 99,278 284 Angelie28 2,580 132,420 378 annasgyal 4,357…
  • Updated to here. Posting the tracker - and starting an achievement thread. Keep an eye out! Thanks for the patience with me posting the updated numbers.
  • I work for a nonprofit healthcare organization and in talking with a lot of professionals, there are several reasons doctors do not talk about weight with their patients regularly. 1. Time - with all the newer regulations and cutbacks on payments from both government and private insurance, doctors need to fit in a certain…
  • I am planning on posting the spreadsheet to Google docs...but I have been updating it at work, and they have Google docs blocked. I keep forgetting to upload it when I am home. I'll keep posting it in the threads here, but I'll add the link to the Google doc once I have it.
  • It's not much work - only takes a couple minutes a day to put in the numbers from everyone, and posting is just a copy and paste. I just wish MFP supported better formatting for messages so I could get the columns to line up.
  • Updated to here. Forgot my computer at work over the weekend, so posting update now.
  • Don't worry - I have you on the list damenica. Just wanted to get a list out before the first tracker went up to be sure nobody was missing.
  • Updated to here. Keep the updates coming - I'm loving everything everyone is doing. I agree - 2000 calories a week is a good a little extra cushion in case of those weeks where we just can't do our normal routine (vacations, sick days, etc.).
  • We are up to 73 people now, and a goal of 7,385,000 calories or the equivalent of 2,110 pounds, so we are now shooting for more than a ton!
  • Ignore this post. Just using it to mark where I ended when updating the tracker.
  • It's never too late to join the party! I'll make sure everyone is added, and I will be posting the first tracker results on Saturday.
  • Yes, you can change your goal at any time. I want this group to be flexible and supportive, and it is easy to change a number on a spreadsheet :smile: This means you can up it multiple times if you want, or if you find out your current goal is too aggressive, you can back it down as well. 100,000 is my personal goal, and…
  • Since we are getting close to the start of the year, I am bumping this post so others can see and join before we kick it into high gear. Please post in the introductions thread in the group if you want to join.
  • Welcome all. I will be tracking via a spreadsheet, and I am planning on posting progress for everyone on a weekly basis. I have had a couple offers for help, so we should be able to stay on top of the numbers for everyone who posts them. I'll start a new thread this weekend for updates, so we can get off to a great start.
  • Hello, and welcome. As far as places to get an HRM, you can find them at just about any sports store or online (Amazon has a bunch, as well as most fitness related sites with stores). The HRM just estimates how many calories you are burning based on your height, weight, and heart rate - you don't set it to a particular…
  • You are missing the fact that you burn calories just sitting there. If you are burning that many calories a day, and you are eating that little, you can start to have some serious health issues. I strongly recommend you go through and read the recommended posts (linked to through the sticky posts), as they explain a lot…
  • Your body is very efficient at processing calories. However, if you are under goal by 350 calories one day, you'll lose an extra 1/10 of a pound that day...if you are over by 350 the next, you gain an extra 1/10 of a pound that day....for a net total of *surprise* 0 extra pounds gained/lost. The body does not have a magic…
  • Hope you meant "ONLY loves himself" - I don't think I would be worthy of being with my wife if I didn't love myself too. You can't really accept the love of others without loving yourself, and I don't believe you can give love without it either (sex, yes - love, no).
  • I log sauces I use, and usually all my drinks (unsweetened iced tea, rooibos, water, milk, etc.). I do not log herbs unless I am entering a recipe for future use (whether I share the recipe or not)., but everything else goes in. I even log cough drops :laugh:
  • I am in favor of lowering the legal age to 18, and doing like several European countries, where parents/guardians are allowed to give drinks to their kids (must be physically present - can't just give permission). Parents are responsible for their kids, and there are severe consequences if they let their kids get drunk.…
  • Personally, I am of two minds about this. I have seen several prisons, and I know several people that work in them/have worked in them. I even have a former friend who is in prison now. All that said, I think there needs to be a balance. Prison advocates have worked for decades to get prisons to where they are now. The…
  • Option 3 - two groups. That way we can have general discussion in the public group, and people can find us, but we also have our safe zone with the private group, for our more personal needs.
  • Hard to say, because even though I've leveled at least one of each class to max level, it has been in different expansions, so the experience was very different each time. Overall, I would say mage because they are the squishiest, and don't have a real self heal or pet at low levels. However, their DPS is high enough it…