Madalaine1978 Member


  • I could of sworn I read it had in had in Argos....well back to the shop it goes... thanks for your response..
  • hi Guys, I'm going to join you if you don't mind?! i'm on day 5 of level 1. I'm finding it ok, but am so grateful it'd only 20 mins. Otherwise I am sure I would of put it off for another I normally do! I find her so easy to listen to, not the all the others, she is so straight to the point. I recorded my before…
  • hey there, I was on weight watchers too, both classes and on line and then slimming world and then all the others. But have decided to go back to basics. Calorie counting and moving more!!! So add me as a friend and lets motivate each other. i'm doing the 30 day shred dvd as well, on day 5! and loving it!. Good luck!
  • Hi, I'm new today! Mother to a 5 yr old boy!> Need to loose about the same amount if not more than you do. Will send you a request when i work out how to do it... :grumble: