Cami37 Member


  • Unfortunately, if you don't do some kind of exercise you jeopardize your muscle. It doesn't have to be heavy and you only have to do it 3 times a week. Watching what you eat will help you with that number on the scale but exercising will be the difference between a tight, toned body or a skinny-fat body. Hope this makes…
  • It all depends on who you are. I can eat both brown and white and be fine. Learn to recognize your body and what sets it off in the wrong direction.
  • I've had mine for about a week and I love it. It keeps me motivated. Last night I was even walking in place trying to burn my calories. It sinks automatically to MFP app so I know how many calories I have left throughout the day and it really helps at dinner time. I'm still very confused with logging in my exercise, though.
    in fitbit Comment by Cami37 December 2012
  • I agree that it's hard to lose it there. It's horrible! I wear a 10 but you would never guess that because I'm so big there. I went from a size C cup to a DDD with my last pregnancy 5 years ago. I believe it's all fat and if you look at female bodybuilders you'll notice that they have no boobies. LOL So, I've started…