

  • I am not sure how old your children are, but you need a jogger stroller! when you get up in the morning before you do anything else, get dressed for a run/walk. THEN take care of the kids get the oldest off to school and HIT THE ROAD! you will be more energized for the rest of the day! I have 3 kids ages 4, 2 and 6 months…
  • My belief is if you eat them you are only going to maintain your current weight. To lose weight you should have some deficit! I completely ignore mine! Actually, I don't even log my exercise activity on here! If you stop losing weight it is probably because you need to step it up in gym/cardio!!
  • When you feel like snacking, drink a BIG glass of water, brush your teeth and go to bed...the extra sleep will help you lose more belly fat!