exercise calories

i am having mixed issues with my exercise calories. some days i feel ravenous and eat almost all of them and other days there are so many left but i feel like if i eat anything else i'll be sick. i'm also apprehensive that if i eat my exercise calories i'm not going to lose the weight. i have heard ppl say if you don't eat them you can STOP losing weight. help!


  • jaybroave
    jaybroave Posts: 22 Member
    i am having mixed issues with my exercise calories. some days i feel ravenous and eat almost all of them and other days there are so many left but i feel like if i eat anything else i'll be sick. i'm also apprehensive that if i eat my exercise calories i'm not going to lose the weight. i have heard ppl say if you don't eat them you can STOP losing weight. help!
  • hleighb
    My belief is if you eat them you are only going to maintain your current weight. To lose weight you should have some deficit! I completely ignore mine! Actually, I don't even log my exercise activity on here! If you stop losing weight it is probably because you need to step it up in gym/cardio!!
  • aodier
    aodier Posts: 42
    I have the same issue! I'm scared that my body will get into starvation mode if I don't eat those excersice calories, but at the same time I wonder how I can lose weight if I eat those calories... well... i guess we will have to see what happens!:smile:
  • kazzit
    kazzit Posts: 113
    i dont log my exercise and only eat my calories sumtimes i cant eat all of them will i loose weithg still
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    My belief is if you eat them you are only going to maintain your current weight. To lose weight you should have some deficit! I completely ignore mine! Actually, I don't even log my exercise activity on here! If you stop losing weight it is probably because you need to step it up in gym/cardio!!

    I have talked to TWO doctors about this and they both agree with this statement. While eating some of those calories may be necessary on some days, pending how intense your exercise routine is....the whole point of dieting is to shock your system into dropping pounds. Starvation is a bad idea. At 1240 calories a day I starve. I feel light headed, dizzy and just plain sick so I upped what MFP told me to consume to 1400. If I don't exercise at all I try to stay around this. If I do exercise, which is most days then I some more, but NEVER all of them. I wear a HRM with a chest strap so I feel like my calorie burn is fairly accurate. EX) Yesterday I burned over 1000 cals so I ate about 1900 calories. They were clean calories for the most part, but I was hungry so I ate.

    I spent two months eating my "earned" calories in an attempt to make that concept work for me and I gained 10 pounds! I was heartbroken so I went and talked to two of my doctors and they changed my way of thinking and with that I had success.

    I am a FIRM believer that EVERYONE'S body does NOT work the same way. There are some here who eat those calories and have had GREAT success. There are also some here who have tried and it didn't work. So my advice to you is TRY it for a few weeks and see what YOUR body needs. You know you better than anyone else. Listen to your body. It is probably MORE honest with you than anyone in the world. It won't lie and it will tell you what it needs!

  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I have the same issue! I'm scared that my body will get into starvation mode if I don't eat those excersice calories, but at the same time I wonder how I can lose weight if I eat those calories... well... i guess we will have to see what happens!:smile:

    This is the right way to look at it. If it works for you then FANTASTIC! If it doesn't then find something that does that is healthy and brings you success!