

  • hi, i am a newbie - this was my 1st day - would also like to lose 20 pounds before christmas and this can be achieved at the rate of 1.5 to 2 lbs per it is only 12 weeks til christmas - my my this sound easy.....if you want support, you can add me as a friend....after christmas another 3 1/2 stone to go.....…
  • yes, i know exactly where you are coming from.... done most diets and had many day ones - BUT.......this is my day one and hopefully my last of day one, as i aim to be successful this points, no sin foods or red or green - just plain common sense with regard to portion sizes. Got 2 wardrobes of clothes that…
  • "the systems" ....are these the systems that you pay nearly £6 a week to stand on scales only to be told your weight - in my eyes, these people are just telling me that i am fat every week and i actually pay for them to tell me this..week in and week out !... the only major thing i am losing is my money..........
  • it is good to hear that people are struggling as well and on the same wavelength without trying to be "SLIIMMER OF THE WEEK". Thank you for your comments, and i mean it - Day 1 starts tomorrow...... but there is something i cannot get my head round, when overweight people like myself suddlenly find the places like the gym…
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