

  • Funny you ask this. I just did a google search for 1200 cal menu plan a d found heaps and if you suss a few out you can have some that are pretty standard foods that you will most likely ave in your cupboard/ fridge. Main things I have in my fridge that is a must are Skinny milk - for tea etc Eggs as they are better for…
  • I think you should as it will lonely help you clear the mind and have a better night sleep to perform even better tomorrow. I suggest you don't push yourself to the point you are sore even a slow jog just to keep that heart rate going. I usually go on a jog or a walk the day before a fun run. Good luck on your 5k and your…
  • I like that I can jog 7.4 km as a weekly thing! I have come so far I use to run to the end f my street and have to use an asthma pump!!!
  • It can sometimes slow your motabolism being on such a low calorie intake. I would just replace a meal lunch or breakfast with a protein shake and burn up to 300 cal per day itch that you should see a change, otherwise your body oes into shock mode and you will start loosing muscle. I would also look for a high protein meal…
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