

  • For me it worked. You always lose the most in the first month because your body is shedding water weight. Then it will taper off to a healthy level. For me it was one day at a time. I allowed myself a treat but it was in moderation. I didn't follow a "diet fad" I just watched what I ate and portion control. It took me a…
  • Tomorrow is another day, I wouldn't sweat it. I would eat a very very healthy dinner. Maybe a small chicken breast but a ton of veggies so you don't get to hungry. You will probably go over but it is only one day. Also, maybe go for a walk after dinner, that will help. :)
  • I actually prefer running, especially outside! There is nothing like running with the wind hitting your face and surround by nature. But its not for everyone. Do what you find is fun and not so much an exercise. Something that you look forward to doing not dreading.
  • Welcome to the group from one stay-at-home mommy to another!! :) Remember to take your weight loss journey one day at a time. You can totally do this!!! Good Luck!
  • First off congrats on your weight loss, that is great!! I would divide the log in half. For example: If you are the gym for an hour and you are doing both then I would log half hour of strength and half hour of cardio. Or the next time you go, jot down how long you are on treadmill and how long you are strength training.…