karenbreaux Member


  • I'm in, I currently weigh 221 and would love to be under 200 by the fourth of July!!!
  • You go girl, I don't think you are weird at all!! I had an aunt that had a breast reduction and she was so relieved of back pain when it was done. Unfortunately, I know how you feel about your belly holding up your boobs, I was having the same thing happen to me not that long ago, but I am losing weight and working out and…
    in Boobs! Comment by karenbreaux April 2011
  • I recommend "The Firm" (www.firmdirect.com). It is geared towards a womans body and it is flexible in the amount of weights you want to use. I recommend a combination of 3, 5, and 8 lb weights, that will get you toned and not bulk you up. Once you feel like those weights are comfortable, you can go up to 5, 8, and 10 lbs…
  • I totally agree, you should just not weigh in on the week that you are on your period. It's nature and there is nothing you can do about it. I've stopped weighing myself on a regular basis. I now weigh in every two weeks and never within a week of my period, a week before or a week after. I tend to let the scale rule my…
  • Welcome to MFP, I have about 60 pounds that I am trying to lose, the right way this time. I am 36 and have been on yo-yo diets my whole life without much success. I joined the gym in January of this year and was hoping that the pounds would just come off, but they haven't. I have not lost any weight since I joined the gym…
    in Hello! Comment by karenbreaux March 2011
  • Way to go, I feel the same way, I've been on a "diet" all of my adult life and most of my teen years and all I've managed to do is gain more and more weight each year. This year, with the help of this website, I have made much better choices, but I am eating the foods I want to eat, not the card board I was accustomed to…
  • I would ask to be replaced as a judge. I don't think that you should be tempting yourself with junk foods while you are still trying to create a healthy eating lifestyle change. Save yourself and have a small piece of the winning recipe as a reward for something you do for yourself that week, or for an extra hard workout…
  • I missed this weeks episode, and I have to admit I wanted Koli to go home. He and Sam's attitudes have gotten really bad throughout the season. Instead of getting mad that Sam got sent home last week, he should have been greatful that he was able to have a partner there with him for that long, no one else had that luxury!!
  • That is so encouraging, the 200 lb mark is my first goal as well. I just starting using this website after I downloaded the app on my iphone, so far I LOVE it. I hope it helps me find the motivation I need to get the weight off.