veronicanizama Member


  • Of course cody! No prob! Just keep rockin' on!! You will get there!!! :)
  • Also jumping on the Strength Training band wagon! I do have some sag after losing over 135 lbs, but compared to other women I see, I'm looking pretty good, mostly because I've been doing strength training. Look at my profile pic as an example. I got those arms from boxing 5 times a week and 3 times a week I do 30 reps of…
  • My best friend in my weight loss was smaller plates! My husband and I only eat off dessert plates at home! Make sure to focus on proteins instead of carbs like pasta, rice and bread. If you have any left overs from dinner, DO NOT get up for seconds. You should immediately put them Tupperware as leftover for tomorrow's…
  • Thanks! Great to know! I was also wondering... I'm not usually hungry in the morning, so I get ready for the gym as soon as I get up. Normally right after my workout I would have my protein shake, but my office recently moved to a location further away a few months ago so I'm not having that shake as soon as I used to. I'm…
  • I know most people would lose 1-2 a week, but I thought because I'm much heavier, I though could lose that a little easier while still being healthy? I don't know, not a doctor :P I would need to lose 3-4lbs a week to reach my goal. And as far as being tired, I don't think it's due to my diet. I just work like a horse, and…
  • OMG! I hate shin splints! I still suffer from them :( I didn't know what they were as a kid, and it's the biggest reason I hated running. I remember always telling the P.E. teacher I felt like the bones in my legs were breaking. Of course they always rolled their eyes and still made me run. I still hate running to this…