Flabby Arms, thighs, and belly

I am no where near the weight I wanna be I still have 40 pounds to go but I was 270 and now I'm down to 203 I am noticing everywhere I look on my body has flabby skin especially my arms and inner thighs. I have only been using the treadmill so not much work on my arms. I was wondering would someone have to have surgery to get rid of flabby skin or can it be toned and look good. I want to tone as I'm losing weight. What exercises would be good for getting rid of saggy skin if there is any help for it.


  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    start strength training! that will help burn more fat and make you more lean!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    ^^ Yup. Lift heavy weights.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    After losing 140 lbs I had my flabby skin removed...twice.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    From what I've read there are many factors that go into this and everyone is different. You have youth on your side, which should be a bonus. I'd start lifting for sure and focus on the health benefits of weight loss primarily. Good luck and congrats on your loss!
  • LakeCountyDiver
    LakeCountyDiver Posts: 50 Member
    Over time some skin will shrink, especially if you had stretch marks at the beginning of your weight loss. I know where you are at because at the point I lost 75lbs i had 40 to go and saw excess skin. If you get to your goal weight and are able to maintain it you can start on skin creams but might end up needing the excess skin surgically removed.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    How was the surgery? Are the scars bad? How much did it cost?
  • codygoodman15
    codygoodman15 Posts: 10 Member
    thank you all for your replies..Im really lost when it comes to strength training I have no clue how much weight to do and for how long
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    How was the surgery? Are the scars bad? How much did it cost?

    Not my experience but I saw a woman once and the scars were pretty bad. She looked like a badly put together toy. I don't know how tall you are but 270 is on the low end of obese, I think, well if you're like maybe 5'8" and more.

    First try the heavy lifting. Give it a good college try for a while and see what happens.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    thank you all for your replies..Im really lost when it comes to strength training I have no clue how much weight to do and for how long

    OMG, I just noticed you're really young. I think you will do really well with the strength training.
  • codygoodman15
    codygoodman15 Posts: 10 Member
    Im 22 but I've really let my body go so I pretty much have no muscle at all lol
  • veronicanizama
    veronicanizama Posts: 7 Member
    Also jumping on the Strength Training band wagon! I do have some sag after losing over 135 lbs, but compared to other women I see, I'm looking pretty good, mostly because I've been doing strength training.

    Look at my profile pic as an example. I got those arms from boxing 5 times a week and 3 times a week I do 30 reps of Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (or dips), Arm Curls and Bench Presses. I also drink a lot of water too, that helps! Don't worry, I also got an extra 5 years on you, so you have an even better chance than I did of getting the skin to go back to normal.

    My doctor told me that once you reach your ideal weight, you should wait 2 years before considering body contouring surgery since you want to give your body some time to 'snap back'. I wouldn't worry too much about surgery just yet...

    When you decide to start strength training, make sure you give yourself rest days in between. I tend to do Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I do about 30 minutes worth of weights, including the exercises I mentioned earlier plus some others for the places I want to focus on. I know it sounds scary, but ask the people doing weights if they can show you how to use them if you're not sure on proper form. Most of the time these people are SUPER eager to help.

    Also make sure to start out small. You don't want to hurt yourself, and you seriously can, so if your body is saying stop, make sure to stop. Anything that requires a barbell, I'd probably start with no weights on it at first, just the pole. For dumbbells I'd probably start at 2 or 5lbs. Feel it out and see what you're comfortable with. The best way to approach weight training is to split it up into repetitions and sets. So let's say you're doing 30 reps, you might want to split that up into two 15 sets or three 10 sets. By the end of the set you should be tired or exerting yourself, but only towards the end, though the beginning should be very doable and comfortable. This is how you know you have a good weight for you.

    You can do several things in between sets. If you exercised right before weights, I'd say just rest as you don't want to overdue it and preserve your strength for the weights session. If you didn't exercise that day and don't plan to, I'd try something called cardio acceleration. Basically in between rests spend 30-60sec doing some sort of high intensity cardio (jumping jacks, knee tucks, sprinting, jump rope, etc). Just remember to start out slow and LISTEN to your body!

    Let me know if you need any other help, and good luck! You've already come so far :)
  • chelseabuns88
    chelseabuns88 Posts: 77 Member
    Do you have stretch marks on your loose skin?

    I have stretch marks that I developed during puberty, but my arms are disproportionately large anyway and they seem to be the first place I gain weight (and the last place I lose it). When I reach my goal weight I definitely want surgery as I know the loose skin will not change... Scars don't bother me, loose flappy skin does! =)

    But yeah, weight training is a good idea during your weight loss anyway, see if you can get a personal trainer (or a session, at least) who can talk you through techniques and stuff- and you can look up a lot of youtube videos and the like.]

    Good luck!
  • codygoodman15
    codygoodman15 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow you did awesome great job veronicanizama ! I will try to do some of the things you mentioned and hopefully Ill get the same results thank you so much.
  • codygoodman15
    codygoodman15 Posts: 10 Member
    I won't be able to afford getting surgery but yes Ive had stretch marks since I can remember I've always been overweight. I always told myself if I lost the weight I hope I don't get the flabby left over skin but it must be something that comes along with it. I'm going to try and get rid of the flabby skin and then try to get rid of the stretch marks. I hope if you do get the surgery it goes smoothly for you thank you for your reply Chelsea!
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    Yes veronica is spot on with this, Ive done everything she talks about...and its working slow but sure...I am a fan of green tea for all the beni's, but it helps with my stomach i feel so flat in the morning, if I consume it warm decaf of course right before bed
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I started at 244 and at one point had a lot of lose hanging skin on my thighs and belly . . . it was so bad, it scared me. I wondered what had I done to myself and even considered gaining back the weight - because I could never let anyone see my naked like that. But as time went by (not a lot) it tightened up and even my lower belly tightened up (my baby is 23 years old so I really didn't think that would go away!) My arms are not where I want them but others say they look good for a woman my age - Ha Ha!

    I have always been a heavy moisturizer, since my teens - not sure if that helped but I am sure it didn't hurt.

    Take your time and give it some time, no you may never look the way you want (who really does???) but you will look and feel better and be in much better overall health.

    Good luck
  • veronicanizama
    veronicanizama Posts: 7 Member
    Of course cody! No prob! Just keep rockin' on!! You will get there!!! :)
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    ^^ Yup. Lift heavy weights.

    ^ This
  • chelseabuns88
    chelseabuns88 Posts: 77 Member
    I won't be able to afford getting surgery but yes Ive had stretch marks since I can remember I've always been overweight. I always told myself if I lost the weight I hope I don't get the flabby left over skin but it must be something that comes along with it. I'm going to try and get rid of the flabby skin and then try to get rid of the stretch marks. I hope if you do get the surgery it goes smoothly for you thank you for your reply Chelsea!

    Yeah, I think it's part and parcel, but as everyone says, it varies from person to person. Actively attempting to tone the areas that bother you with weights can only benefit, so it's definitely worth doing and you may find you achieve excellent results!

    Just remember, the positives will outweigh the negatives, try not to focus on parts of yourself you see as flaws and be proud of your achievements =)

    Good luck!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Flabby skin is part and parcel of weight loss, since our skin is not rubberized and can't bounce back into shape immediately after being "emptied" of fat. It's just something you have to plan for.

    I've started lifting ten pound weights three times a week and plan to increase weight and frequency over time (thanks MFPers, for your talking me into it!). I've also started doing pushups (I started doing them against the wall) and squats and, once I'm convinced my knees are up to them, I'll do lunges, too. In addition, I do toe touches and ab exercises. I tried jumping jacks, but still jiggle too much to like them . . . anyway, 28 pounds gone and no flabby skin yet. I'm 53, so I'm expecting I'll get some and it will be stubborn, but I'm trying to stave it off as long as possible.

    Good luck!
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