vikkibaptie Member


  • I tried it once and I'm not ashamed to say that I won't be trying it again. I think a lot of people (like me) get a week into something like this and it's so ridiculously hard that you give up and worst of all, then end up doing no exercise at all for weeks after. Personally I've started doing one day hard exercise and one…
  • Hi, I've been on slimming world for about 4 months now, I've lost 18.5lbs and I totally love it. I use my fitness pal to track for slimming world, so I think the two can work hand in hand. Previously I was the same as you, I got down to just under 11stone and then ended up going back up and down and getting stuck. With the…
  • Hiya, I've been using MFP to track slimming world for the last 11 weeks. I've lost exactly a stone and 5 inches off my waist! I'm hoping to get some good news on the scales tonight! Here's my tips for using MFP for SW: 1. Change diary names: Breakfast changed to Super Free…
  • Hi guys, It was a national holiday in the UK yesterday so I'm starting today! I lost 7lbs and lots of inches last time, but best of all I was so full of energy! I have a family wedding in 39 days so here's to having a fit bod for then! :-)
  • Day one done today! God I'm so unfit compared to the last time when I did 30DS! Can't wait to be feeling fit and hyper again lol x
  • Hi, Did my first day of Ripped this morning so I thought I might as well join in here :) Start: 161lbs Waist: 34 in Hips: 39 in Thighs: 24.5 in I did 30 day shred back in July/ August then I've been on holiday and away with work and let everything slip. So my plan with this one is to get back to what I was at the end of…
  • Haha! I have to agree with that!! I'm glad everyone is up for Ripped in 30!! Yay!
  • Hiya, Level 3, day 7 Sorry I haven't had an update in a while it's been a busy weekend with a family wedding! Had a lovely day and everyone complimented me on how much I had lost which is great! I'm loving level 3, I surprise myself at what I can actually do. The rockstar jumps have been knocked on the head though I do…
  • Level 2, day 7. I did the same I've swapped the last plank for bicycle crunches for a minute and I feel it working my abs so much more. I find I can easily do the jack plank now but the one where you jump in is still way to hard. V-flies still make me do a Venus Williams style scream but I'm getting through more and more…
  • Level 2, day 4 (I think!). This was the first day the scales moved in the right direction for a week! 1.2 lbs off :-) I agree on the plank twists, going to try them slower tonight! x
  • Felt so much better working out this morning after the rest yesterday! I love level 2, well not the plank bits but I try to do my best. Already got Ripped in 30 ordered so I can move straight on to that. First time since my Rosemary Connelly VHS video since I've enjoyed exercise!! (even if I do swear at Jillian on…
  • Hiya, I'm a little late signing up but I'm glad I found a group for the date I started the 30DS. I'm Vikki, I'm 28 and live in Newcastle UK. I work as a marketing manager and I'm just coming up to 6 months with my boyfriend. Good going after being single for 6 years lol! From September to November last year I lost 2 stone…
    in Intro's Comment by vikkibaptie July 2012
  • So this should have been my 4th day on level 2 but after feeling really run down and the inside of my left knee being overstretched I'm giving it a rest today. I'll hopefully be back and raring to go tomorrow. How does everyone else do this? Have you been going straight though or do you have a break sometimes?
  • I've been weighing myself daily but it's kinda putting me off as I want to see changes every day and as I'm doing some intense workouts the scales don't always go down. So I think I might go back to once a week... can't resist those scales though!
  • I fell foul to this one at the weekend... had people over for a BBQ with the thought of 'I'll just have a couple of cans of cider'. This turned out to be 6 cans of cider (over the whole day) and 1100 calories!! Never mind all of the BBQ food... I did step up my exercise in anticipation and was still under my calorie goal…